value « Insert « JPA Q&A

1. inserting values into multiple tables using hibernate

i have existing tables hotel and hotel_services.

hotel table contains:

hotel_services contains:

each hotel can offer several services, so in my form user could enter as many services as he wants at a time.
so ...

2. Hibernate Cannot insert values

Tried for 3 hours can't find a answer , posting it After running the program printing Inserting Record and Done inserting values , but couldn't find values in db . Any help what to check and where to check ? public class FirstExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Session session = null; try{ // This step will read hibernate.cfg.xml ...

3. DiscriminatorColumn value not included in insert sql

@Entity @Table(name="asset") @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) @DiscriminatorColumn(name="Type", discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.INTEGER) public abstract class Asset implements Serializable { private int id; private String description; private boolean isAvailable; private String name; ... } @Entity @Table(name="vehicle") @DiscriminatorValue("1") public class Vehicle extends Asset implements Serializable { ... }

4. hibernate values are not inserted in database

hi This id dhanasekar, i am new to hibernate i am using eclipse and postgre sql when i run the program the values are not inserted in to the db, i will should what it has been shown to me Inserting Book object into database.. Hibernate: select max(id) from book Book object persisted to the database. Hibernate: insert into book (bookname, ...

6. Inserting values ...

Newbie Joined: Fri May 14, 2004 9:34 am Posts: 19 My Java code... Code: public class Task { private long id; private String name; private String code; private Date expirationDate; private List taskAttributes; public Task() ...

7. Hibernate insert wrong value with WAS 4.0.7

how can I contact them, bro ;-) Very weird. Because the problem only occurs in WebSphere Application Server Advance Edition 4.0.7. I installed a new WebSphere Application Server Advance Edition 4.0.7 in another PC and deploy the program, the same problem occurs. The program also runs perfectly in WebSphere Studio Application Developer for Windows 4.0.3 (my development environment) Please help.

8. show-sql does not show values being inserted

10. how to insert values through hibernate

Hai, I am developing a java web application and am using hibernate for the first time. In my application, in the registration page which is a jsp page, any user who visits the site for the first time will enter his details and those details need to be inserted into the mysql database. All these insertions have to to be done ...

11. problem with inserting values in database using hibernate

Now My problem is: in the action u can see the select query. this query is successfully selecting the data from table. but when i m inserting values in table if i commit the transaction by: t.commit(); then it gives java.lang.nullpointerException. and if i commented this statement(t.commit()) then nothing happen ; no exception,no error and no result in short no value ...

12. insert="false" update="false" value not

Newbie Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2005 3:56 am Posts: 4 Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.1.1 [b]Mapping documents: DISPUTESEQ ...

14. how can i pass the values for

Hello sir I know that but can u set the values for that abject suppose you the example Stud stud=new Stud(); stud.setSno(123); stud.setName("XXXXX"); Stud.setFName("YYYYYYYYYY"); ................ ....................; this is enough for that i am asking for this insert we write the Query inside the hbm file by using insert into stud (sno, name, fname, address, state, designamtion) values (null, ?, ...

15. problem in inserting int value in SQL 2000 database

Hi, I am trying to insert a number into SQL DB. I failed to insert values. I don't see any errors though my Table: columns: TRIALID int type,NUMBER int type TRIALID is autoincrement and identity my code: Trial trial = new Trial(); trial.setNumber(new Integer(1)); TrialDAO tDao = new TrialDAO(); Transaction trnx = HibernateSessionFactory.getSession().getTransaction(); try { trnx.begin();; trnx.commit(); tDao.getSession().close(); } catch ...