sql « Insert « JPA Q&A

1. Execute DDL from hibernate    stackoverflow.com

I know that SchemaExport should be my friend. But I am using liquibase and want to execute the DDL - pure sql statements - generated from liquibase to recreate the database ...

2. SQL , insert is possible on the table which is not present in terms of hibernate    stackoverflow.com

does insert query in hibernate requires table to be present. I mean when i have a query that insert some values in to the table which is not present . will ...

3. Hibernate is updating instead of inserting, why?    stackoverflow.com

I'm starting my adventure with Hibernate, so please be patient :) I want to make mapping for two tables, for example A and B. The relation beetwen A and B is one-to-many. I ...

4. Slow SQL inserts on Jersey webservice with Hibernate depending on client PC    stackoverflow.com

I have a Java desktop application that communicates with a Jersey webservice. I'm sending Objects to Jersey with the following code:

private ClientResponse putObject(String path, Object ...

6. sql-insert Invalid argument: parameter index is out of range    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message epaisley Post subject: sql-insert Invalid argument: parameter index is out of range Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:06 pm Newbie Joined: Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:01 pm Posts: 2 Location: Omaha, NE I'm trying to write a custom insert statement with the statement. I get the following error. What I'm trying to do is use the ...

7. how to call from java    forum.hibernate.org

8. Named Parameter in sql-insert    forum.hibernate.org

9. Sybase stored procs and sql-insert or sql-update tags    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I can't successful use sql-insert and sql-update tags with stored procedure written in Sybase. I tried different approaches, but none of them worked. In first approach I used these tags with stored proc and ?, like this. Code: { ? = call upd_account_sp(?, ?) } This caused the following Sybase JDBC exception at the time of parameter binding. Code: ...

10. SQL Insert Fails    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:39 pm Posts: 1 I am starting out with this tool and I seem be stuck. I have a simple class that inserts a contact(fname, lname, email) specs eclipse:indigo, ms sql 2008. When I run the class the following statement is generated (from sql profiler) Code: declare @p1 int set @p1=5 exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@P0 ...

11. BAD SQL grammer when inserting    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have a problem when inserting an object to a datase table: it writes me to the console, about jdbc exception, syntax error and bad sql grammer . Altought, it saves the object to the database (when I use db vizualizer), but throws this error, so my program cannot continue. I can't isolate the problem, because these are so general ...

12. descriminators with sql-insert    forum.hibernate.org

I have a base class Location and a sub-class PointLocation. I'm using Table per Class strategy with the CAT_CODE column as the descriminator. Both classes map to the LOC table which has a spatial column. I've created a view (LOC_VW) that transforms the spatial column into a latitude, longitude, altitude and is used for rehydrating the objects. I'm using the ...

13. Custom Insert SQL    forum.hibernate.org

14. SQL-INSERT    forum.hibernate.org

For my lookup table, I tried to create the hbm.xml file with sql-insert statements , but at the time of object creation , I get the error : Element "class" does not allow "sql-insert" here.. Why is this happening ? How can I insert data into lookup table at the time of table creation ? Code:

15. Hibernate 3 and custom insert SQL    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:48 pm Posts: 5 Location: Newcastle, Australia The documentation for custom inserts ( http://www.hibernate.org/187.html ) metions that you can use parameter names in the custom SQL. I am trying to insert a row into the database, but use the database server's current date for one of the columns. When I try to do this, I ...

17. how to use     forum.hibernate.org

hi, i saw so many example mappings abt sql-insert but still i didn get any idea actually how to get used of it. just anyone can help me how t call or how to declare that and how to use it in program . what i need is: i need to insert a record using for one table. so ...

18. sql-insert    forum.hibernate.org

{? = call insertFunc3(?, ?, ?)} ...

19. Insertable Views & Understanding     forum.hibernate.org

The table I'm mapping to, SOAAPI.core_patients_s is an insertable view. It calls a db function that inserts or updates a patient. This function takes a patient_ID field, if null it proceeds with an insert creating the ID inn it's own secret way, otherwise it does an update with the ID passed. I'm trying to figure out how to map this. What ...

20. Hibernate insert SQL    forum.hibernate.org

I have a batch of insert SQLs in a text file. How can I get hibernate to load this set of SQLs in the database? One way of doing that is to create an object for each of the insert SQLs and then call session.save(). However, I was wondering of hibernate has any support for custom inserts with values? thanks in ...

21. Problem with Hibernate inserting extra bracket in LIMIT SQL    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: hibernate-2.1.6.jar Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): Session s = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction(); //createQuery uses HQL to select from the Jobs table List lstRules = s.createQuery("from Jobs j WHERE j.mailinglist_job_id = " + getMlJob().getMailinglist_job_id() + " " + " LIMIT 0, " + getMlJob().getSend_per_minute()) .list(); Iterator iter = null; if(lstRules != null) { iter = lstRules.iterator(); } //iter ...

22. Custom sql-insert not working    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:03 pm Posts: 4 Location: Dallas, TX - USA Hibernate version: 3.2.3 Spring framework version: 2.0.4 MySQL version: 5.0.22 My custom SQL Insert statement is not running. Instead, hibernate chooses to use an Identity default insert statement shown below. I am using hibernate tags from xDoclet version 1.2.3 inside the java classes to generate the ...

23. how to use sql-insert tags ...    forum.hibernate.org

24. PUSH : how to use sql-insert tags ...    forum.hibernate.org

Nobody know the solutions it is suprising ... Does someone use this tags ? Hi, I want to use the sql-insert,sql-update and sql-delete tags in my mapping. But for these request I don't know how in my java code call this request to set them the paramreters I need. Ex: update ... where num=? Thanks for you assistance

25.  not being called    forum.hibernate.org

I'm using Spring with Hibernate for a connection to an odbc (Quickbooks QODBC). There is no dialect that matches the database so I am using the HSQLDialect. It works fine for running queries but when I try to perform an insert, the id for the table record is being set to null. I'm not supposed to set the id on the ...

26. DB cursor usage for SQL-Insert.    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Tue May 27, 2008 9:37 am Posts: 1 Hello everybody, I've got a problem I couldn't find any hints about at all. Hibernate seems to use a database cursor to execute an insert statement (the db doc says a statement was used which is no SELECT or VALUES clause). The statement and the data itself is ok. DB2 SQL ...

27. custom inside     forum.hibernate.org

28. Sql-insert set the Parameters    forum.hibernate.org

Hi All this is my stored Proc CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE addNewUser( UserId1 int, UserName1 varchar2, Password1 varchar2, FirstName1 varchar2, LastName1 varchar2 ) AS BEGIN INSERT INTO TBL_USERS_TEMP (userid,username,password,firstname,lastname) VALUES (UserId1,UserName1,Password1,FirstName1,LastName1); END; And this is my .hbm.xml file like this ...