merge « Insert « JPA Q&A

1. JPA merge does not appear to work

I'm running the following code to update the database according to the data I read from CSV file. I've tried to debug, and check the console and it's running through the ...

2. jpa hibernate merge performs insert instead of update

I have a simple test, where I am trying to update the object. but merge seems to be performing an insert instead of update.

@ContextConfiguration(locations = {"classpath:spring/app-context.xml","classpath:spring/testdb-context.xml"})
public class UserJPATest {
public void ...

3. Hibernate merge cascading a collection's insert

Have a setup with Hibernate 3 whereby inserting collections through an inverse many-to-one relationship doesn't automatically set the parent's foreign key in the child when merging. For example, in the Element class ...

4. [JPA] merge() is inserting instead of updating

hi, can anyone enlighten me regarding the mecanism of persistence in EJB 3.0 ? I am trying to update an entity in the database from a web client that calls a method in a stateful session bean. That method looks like this : @Stateful public class TestOneAction implements TestOneLocal { @PersistenceContext(unitName="unitTest") private EntityManager em; public void updateEntity(Entity entity) { em.merge(entity); } ...

5. merge() generated a "insert" SQL for managed Entity, why?

hihi, When I using EntityManager.merge() method to update a Entity (team.class) that contained a list of Child Entities (member.class). Before call EntityManager.merge() method, I uses entityManager.contains() method to ensure the Child Entities are managed. The method returns "true". but when I call EntityManager.merge(team) to update the parent entity, hibernate generated the "insert" SQL to update child entity and display "unique constraint" ...

6. Session.merge also inserts data

7. Bug? Duplicate insert: @OneToMay with cascade "all" & merge

Page 1 of 1 [ 1 post ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message bfreis Post subject: Bug? Duplicate insert: @OneToMay with cascade "all" & merge Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:21 am Newbie Joined: Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:05 am Posts: 2 I have encountered a strange behavior of ...

8. EnitityManager merge cause two inserts for collection

I have an entity MainEntity MainEntity has a collection of ChildEntity. I do the following: 1. ChildEntity ch = new ChildEntity(); 2. MainEntity me = getMainEntity(mainEntity ID); // this will retrieve the MainEntity from database 3. ch.setMainEntity(me); 4. me.getChildEntityCollection().add(ch); 5. EnittyManager.merge(me). This cause 2 inserts for Child entity. The primary key for the entity is auto generated. The child entity is ...

9. The session.merge(obj) is inserting one extra record

I am using merge to save the data in the database, but I am getting and extra record. Somebody can give me an idea to fix this problem. I believe that the problem is in the mapping file but I do not know what to do to resolve this problem. Hibernate version: 3.0.2 Mapping documents:

10. merge(parent). 2 inserts and one update

I have the following code that according to hibernate logging sql results in 1. insert parent 2. insert child 3. update parent(why is this happening?) Here is the transaction code.... Code: mgr.getTransaction().begin(); ParentDBO parent = new ParentDBO(); ...

11. Session.merge uses insert instead of update

Newbie Joined: Fri Jul 21, 2006 6:27 am Posts: 10 hi all! Problem Description: im using hibernate together with EMF 2.2.0 and elver. when calling Session.merge with an object already present in the dbtable(meaning: there's another object of the same type and id in the db - but with different details/values) - merge tries to do an insert instead of an ...