glassfish « Insert « JPA Q&A

1. JPA problem with insert

2. [lassfish + JPA] Java2DB not working - no ddl scripts generated

When I deploy the application, nothing happens, and by looking at the logs, the properties are ignored. The usual stuff happens - the entities are discovered and configured, and that's it. I also tried changing that to resource-local persistence (added the necessary properties as user, password and so on), and although the code works, no sql scripts are created. I tried ...

3. Wrong Identity returned after trigger insert (JPA)

However, I recently set a trigger on one of my tables, to run whenever a new row is inserted. The trigger, in turn, inserts a row into another table. When I persist a new object to the database, the primary key/identity that is returned is the identity of the row inserted *by the trigger*, instead of the identity of the row ...

4. Problem in simultaneous insert in same table using JPA

Description: Here is a for loop. that means if 'for loop' is running 5 times - there will be 5 times insert/update in a same table. Parameters of the function are array of string. But i bring 3 sets of data in array of string - that means for loop will run 3 times - and it should 'insert' 3 times ...

5. Problem in simultaneous insert in same table using JPA

Description: Here is a for loop. that means if 'for loop' is running 5 times - there will be 5 times insert/update in a same table. Parameters of the function are array of string. But i bring 3 sets of data in array of string - that means for loop will run 3 times - and it should 'insert' 3 times ...