ID « Insert « JPA Q&A

1. How to get inserted ID in hibernate?? thanks

There's no need to iterate if you just keep the reference to the object you added. Consider this pseudo-code: Session session = getHibernateSessionFromSomewhere(); Car car = (Car) session.load(Car.class, "ford"); Tire tire = new Tire(); car.addTire(tire); session.update(car); Now, in this example, if the mapping document for Car specifies a collection of tires and that association has cascade="all" (for example), the last statement ...

2. JPA - Foreign Id not automatically assigned after insertion

Hi There I am currently struggling that the foreign Id (parent Id) is not inserted at the DB table of the child object. I think it has something to do with that the id of the parents id is automatically generated by the DB (autoincrement). So what do I wrong? Let me explain the details of my setup. I am using ...

3. get last insert id from one table and put in to another tabl

Page 1 of 1 [ 1 post ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message baktha.thalapthy Post subject: get last insert id from one table and put in to another tabl Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:47 am Newbie Joined: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:35 am Posts: 19 Hi I have ...

4. Id is returned as 0 for first insert

5. Execute insert with already got ID

public Business () { public Save() { Long id = getNewId(); //do some logic Content content = new Content(); content.setId(id); ...

6. Last Insert Id

7. Hibernate+jTDS not returning id after INSERT

DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DBCP: Apache's There is a problem when the generated ID is fetched. When Hibernate asks for the second questions resultset, jTDS cannot find it. The insert succeds. Ive tried the code manually, and it works fine. I have no clue why it wont work in hibernate. The question: Code: insert into units (lot_number, serial, art_nr, part_of, ...

8. one-to-many: doesnt insert turma_id

i'm using hibernate2.1, winXP Pro, MySql 4.0.12. i read this from command line: Hibernate: insert into detalhes (estrategia, id) values (?, ?) but it should also insert (turma_id) ! my cfg.xml file: Code:

9. Enforce insert for referenced object with an existing Id (?)

From documentation, I realized that Hibernate will determine whether to insert or update an object based on the object id, if null-> insert, else update (Reservation: when generator method is not assigned, e.g. identity). If that so, I wonder whether I can enforce hibernate to insert the object although its Id exists. Today, although the insert operation is cascading to the ...

10. Manual id insertion

I authenticate users from an ldap server, but there's also some information I want to grab from it as well (email, name, mailbox, and employeeId). There is some other user information I do need to ask them for and save in a database, so I figured the most logical thing to do would be to use their employeeId from ldap as ...

11. Getting last inserted ID

I've been googling and searching around and can't find a clear example of how to retrieve the id of the last record inserted after using the method...I know this must be simple, how is this done? I noticed it is selecting the identity when I view the sql output...would I have to query the session again to get it? Please ...

12. How to get last inserted ID?

How can I get the last inserted Sequence number? Is there a method something like that: SELECT LAST_NUMBER FROM xxx_sequences To explain why I need this. I have two forms. On the first form, the user enters some basic data. Then he saves this basic data to the database. On the second page he can add some extra information. To save ...

13. Hibernate is only inserting the id

Author Message lemming Post subject: Hibernate is only inserting the id Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:05 pm Newbie Joined: Thu Apr 06, 2006 3:21 pm Posts: 1 Hi all, I wasn't sure if this should go in the JSR 220 forum or here, but here goes. We're having a problem with our Hibernate app. We're using Hibernate 3.0.5 ...

14. Get last inserted ID

Hello. What I want to do is a standard thing. Insert a record into one table, get the database generated ID of the inserted record, relate this ID in a child table. Now I have got this working by using some SQL but I thought it would be easier in Hibernate, is there a better way to do this? I save ...

15. How to prevent Hibernate from inserting ID automatically?

Hi all, I am using Oracle 9i with a table named EVENT that has a primary key column ID and a string column NAME. I created a sequence (SEQ_EVENT_ID) and a trigger to generate Ids automatically in this column whenever an item is inserted to simulate the "identity" feature supported by other databases. I am using the following: Hibernate version: 3.1.3 ...

16. Can't update only inserts with assigned id

Hibernate version: 3.2 Code: // Person.hbm // PersonPermission.hbm

17. Trying to insert a ZERO INTO ID --> TransientObjectExcept

The following is the error that i am getting when i try to insert a value of zero into the id field of county table.....using setCountyId(0). THe application works perfectly if i try to set the countyId to any other ONLY has a problem with ZERO. I am using DB2 version 7. Using eclipse based IDE Any help would be ...

18. Inserting without specifing the ID

Hibernate version: 3.1 Database: Oracle 10g Hello, I am trying to configure in the table map file that the ID will be generated/inserted by the database. I have in the database a trigger which fires while inserting and fills the ID column with a value read from a sequence. Hibernate should not send the ID attribute, when trying to insert. But ...

19. in Hibenate how can i get auto genarated id after insert??

Hi.. In my table 1st column is (auto increment) ID, 2nd column is State how can i get this Id after insert. (below code is working for insert) from the google i found some methods like (hibernate.jdbc.use_get_generated_keys ) how can i use this in below code (after plz send me some sample code for this (plz suggest correction in below ...