Data « Insert « JPA Q&A

1. Data Not inserting into Database JPA+Hibernate

actually I have created Entity Beans which are used to create tables in mysql database, everything is working fine with transaction classes using entityfactory. Now I need this functionality...when I ...

2. Hibernate insert data in 2 tables

I have a channel table with channel_id PK. and one ad_config table which will have channel_id and serverSrc as composite key. relation is for each channel_id there will be 2 rows inserted in ...

3. Hibernate Data Not inserted in database

hello i am using hibernate simple example and i am not know more about hibernate here my example is running successful but data are not inserted in the database i can't ...

4. insert data using JPA

I'am using JPA for mapping, I have to insert values into my database (I havae three tables Profil_user/association/indicator), The user enter the login and the password then choose the indicators for wich the ...

5. Hibernate : Data is not getting inserted into database

I have taken the code from but it is not getting stored into database

6. Hibernate calling INSERT on POST, but some data not there when I GET

I am trying to use Hibernate to store two objects, Users (which have ID, name, and ImageURL) and Players (which have a User, Points, and FriendIDList). For some reason, hibernate is correctly ...

7. Insertion of data to a table using Hibernate

CBO? Not sure what you mean there. But I'll plug ahead regardless assuming this is the object you created to represent a record in your database which you have mapped to the appropriate table. If it is, then inserting the data is easy enough. Just call passing the object to persist.

8. Data not inserted through Hibernate

Are you getting any exceptions? Is there any SQL being spouted out in your console? This little entry in the configuration file will help you see any SQL being generated: true Are you beginning a transaction and then committing the transaction? Is the Java class added as a JPA annotated class to the AnnotationConfiguration object (if you're using ...

9. Having problem with inserting data into table using hibernate

Hi guys, I am having trouble with adding data into the database using hibernate .I have got a table 'ln_user_group' which has 2 columns 'userid,groupname'. Both these fields act as a primary key The Hibernate mapping file is as follows <hibernate-mapping> <class name="his1.User.LnUserGroup" table="ln_user_group" catalog="his1"> <composite-id name="id" class="his1.User.LnUserGroupId"> <key-property name="userid" type="string"> <column name="USERID" length="20" /> </key-property> <key-property name="groupname" type="string"> <column name="GROUPNAME" ...

11. Data Not inserting into Database JPA+Hibernate

Hi All, I am new to JPA and Hibernate, these are my files: this is my Entity class package com.ernst.persistenceImpl.beanImpl; import javax.persistence.*; import static javax.persistence.FetchType.LAZY; import javax.jdo.annotations.Index; @Entity @Table(name = "ADRESSES") public class AdressesBeanImpl { @Id @Index(name = "ix_adress_id") private int adress_id; @Basic private String titel; @Basic private String vorname; @Basic private String nachnahme; public int getAdress_id() { return adress_id; } ...

12. Unable to insert Data using SP from hibernate

Hi All, Please help me in calling stored procedures from hibernate which will take 4 parameters. My mapping.hbm.xml file : { call insert_SamratTest_1(?,?,?,?) } ** only EmpName,CreatedBy,Salary and Category should ...

13. How can insert the data into partitioned table?

14. Data Not inserting into Database JPA+Hibernate

Hi All, I am new to JPA and Hibernate, these are my files: this is my Entity class Quote: package com.ernst.persistenceImpl.beanImpl; import javax.persistence.*; import static javax.persistence.FetchType.LAZY; import javax.jdo.annotations.Index; @Entity @Table(name = "ADRESSES") public class AdressesBeanImpl { @Id @Index(name = "ix_adress_id") private int adress_id; @Basic private String titel; @Basic private String vorname; @Basic private String nachnahme; @Basic private String position; @Basic private ...

15. Can't view data inserted by Hibernate

Newbie Joined: Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:16 pm Posts: 3 Hello, I am learning hibernate and followed a simple example for inserting, updating, deleting, and selecting records. Everything appears to function properly, but when I load the database file with an external SQL client and do a select on the table, it returns 0 results. Here is my hibernate.cfg.xml Code:

16. For each and random insert in data base.

Hi, I have a trouble with the I have a list of object Flight and each Flight have a list of FlightSegment. The joke is, if i break my "loop for" at the first run, i refind my Flight and his 2 FlightSegment properly register in the database. If i i dont break i have the 3 Flight (of Flist) ...

17. Problem in inserting data into database using hibernate

Author Message jayeshpatel Post subject: Problem in inserting data into database using hibernate Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:29 pm Newbie Joined: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:28 pm Posts: 5 Hello everbody, I have a problem in inserting data in database using hibernate, Lets i explain total scenario of my problem, I creates three tables in mysql database. 1) ...

18. How to insert data to the exist table by using Hibernate...

I can create the table and insert the data to that blank table. But I couldn't insert new data to the exist table. For example, I already have one user table have several rows record like this in MySQL Database: UID Uname 1 Apple 2 Banana 3 Cat Then if I would like to insert the new user " Dog" in ...

20. Unable to insert data into database

Newbie Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:30 am Posts: 18 Location: Canada I am using Hibernate 3.1 Following files are in my lib folder antlr-2.7.5H3.jar antlr.license.txt cglib-nodep-2.1_2.jar commons-collections-2.1.1.jar commons-logging-1.0.4.jar dom4j-1.6.1.jar hibernate3.jar hsqldb.jar jdbc2_0-stdext.jar jdbc2_0-stdext.licence.txt jta.jar lib.txt log4j-1.2.11.jar mysql-connector-java-3.0.17-ga-bin.jar following files are in my src folder hibernate.cfg.xml src.txt TestUser .java user.hbm.xml I get the following message when I run ...

21. Database inserted empty data with AIX JDK 5 beta Hibernate

We have a problem when using AIX JDK 5 beta (IBM) on AIX. The server is running JBoss 4.0.2, Hibernate 3.1, DB2 8.2.2. On entering data on the client, an empty data row is inserted to the database. Updating the row subsequently does not update in the database but no error reported. This problem does not occur in the Window environment ...

22. Can not insert data to database table.

After insertion,there is no data exists in the USERS table. Any help is appreciated. Hibernate version: 3.1alpha1 Mapping documents:

23. Is size limited when insert thai data by hibernate?

Is size limited when insert thai data by hibernate? Can I insert thai data 4000 chars into database( Oracle field type vachar2 size 4000 set Database NLS_CHARACTER to TH8TISASCII )by hibernate?. Now, when i insert thai data 4000 chars by hibernate into Oracle database , It is'n done. Error " Data size bigger than max size for this type" is shown. ...

24. How to insert data to Table using Hibeernate....Please Help

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: Mapping documents: [b]1> Message.hbm.xml 2> hibernate.cfg.xml