auto « ID « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate Auto Increment ID

I have a j2ee application using hibernate with annotation. How do I annotate the Id field in my pojo class to set it as auto increment or auto generated. and in ...

2. JPA: Generate a code based on the Auto-incremented id

I have and entity with two fields an id and a code as so...

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
@Column(name = "id")
private Integer id;

@Column(name = "code", nullable = false)
private String code;
What I would like is ...

3. Weird problem with Auto Generated Id

I'm having a problem with Auto Generated Id here is what I have on my code @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) public int getId() { return id; } but when I create a class the id that the object have is = 0 , then when I try to find it by the id using the function of Session load(Class, int) is ...

4. Generate an auto id

Well my problem seams to be easy to solve but i cant fix it. Im a newbie on Hibernate programming. Im in a Seam&Hibernate project and I need to generate an automatic value for an id on my table. Ive read all Hibernate documentation and nothing of that works for me. Im using Hibernate 3.6,Jboss 5.1.0 GA and Postgres9.0 and Im ...

5. Auto generation strategy for IDs in AS7 differs from AS6

The sequence generation of IDs for @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) is different in AS7 than in AS6 when using H2 embedded driver and the standard datasource ExampleDS. I have been using H2 in AS6 for while and all my test cases fails because the IDs are sequenced across tables and not per table. So when an ID is asserted for in ...

6. id not auto_incremented

I am using Hibernate 2.1.1, mysql 4.0.1 Xdoclet 1.2. I am using xdoclet and hibernate to create my tabel definitions.. I am having a problem configuring one of my columns to be auto_incrementing..! My code is as follows.. package com.sovision.cmsCore.persistence; import org.appfuse.persistence.BaseObject; /** * This class represents the website pages. * * @hibernate.class table="SubSection_Page" * * @author julian * */ public ...

7. problems using auto_increment and generated ID's

Hello all! I'm having some trouble making hibernate co-operate with the auto_increment PK's i've set up with MySQL. It's the same error message as in this thread, but i've definitely already set the MySQLDialect. Any help that anyone can give as to what's causing this would be most appreciated. (If i understand it correctly, it'd be a bad idea to ...

8. retriving auto-incerement id