translation « HQL « JPA Q&A

1. Creating a Linq->HQL provider

I have a client application that connects to a server. The server uses hibernate for persistence and querying so it has a set of annotated hibernate objects for persistence. The client ...

2. HQL: bad translation?

3. Bad HQL Translation?

select instance0_.InstanceId as InstanceId, instance0_.MajorRevisionNumber as MajorRev2_, instance0_.MinorRevisionNumber as MinorRev3_, instance0_.InstanceCreateDateTime as Instance4_, instance0_.User1 as User1, instance0_.User2 as User2, instance0_.User3 as User3, instance0_.User4 as User4, instance0_.User5 as User5, instance0_.Barcode as Barcode, instance0_.Comment as Comment, instance0_.ModifiedByUserId as Modifie12_, instance0_.ContentId as ContentId from SVD_INSTANCE instance0_, SVD_SEAVIEWCONTENT content1_, SVD_DOCUMENTTYPE documentty2_ where (documentty2_.Description=? and instance0_.ContentId=content1_.ContentId and content1_.DocumentTypeExtention=documentty2_.DocumentTypeExtention)and((select keywords3_.keyword from SVD_KEYWORD keywords3_ where content1_.ContentId=keywords3_.InstanceId)in('glen' , ...

5. HQL Translation Error?

Hi, I was wondering if anyone can help me solve this problem: This is my HQL: SELECT COUNT( FROM MyObject AS obj WHERE like '%example%' This is what gets generated from hibernate via debug statement: select count( as col_0_0_ from MYOBJECT myobject0_ where like '%example%' It looks like hibernate disregarded the otherObject. The otherObject is an object attribute within ...