NullPointerException « HQL « JPA Q&A

1. java.lang.NullPointerException at org.hibernate.hql.ast.HqlParser.negateNode

I'm currently working on a Java EE project which uses JPA. I'm connecting to a InnuDB MySQL DB and after having some problems with some entities relations (ManyToMany) I changed some ...

2. Null pointer exception in HQL using parameter

the code is public class DeleteHQLExample { /** * @author vinod Kumar * * Hibernate Criteria Query Example * */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Session sess = null; try { SessionFactory fact = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); sess = fact.openSession(); Transaction tx = sess.beginTransaction(); String hql = "delete from Insurance where lngInsuranceId =:lngInsuranceId"; Query query ...

3. NullPointerException while parsing HQL (worked in 3.0)

Newbie Joined: Tue Dec 27, 2005 9:21 am Posts: 4 Location: Le Lavandou (France) The following HQL causes a NullPointerException : select distinct(aux) from aux left join fetch aux.personne per left join aux.zonesIntervention zone where aux.type = ? and zone = ? I also noticed another problem with the new version, using setParameter(int, Object) on a query (works once changed ...

4. NullPointerException on HQL

Hello, I encounter NullPointerException when trying to get list of a table elements. Mean that createQuery return Null but don"t understand why Thanks. Hibernate: select playerinfo0_.Id as Id73_, playerinfo0_.Name as Name73_, playerinfo0_.HistoryScore as HistoryS3_73_, playerinfo0_.Credits as Credits73_ from Player playerinfo0_ 2006-04-16 01:47:19,919 : JFactory.postInvoke : system exception in business method: java.lang.NullPointerException Here my call : final List players = ssn.createQuery("from PlayerInfo").list(); ...