1. Problems with Hibernates hbm2ddl.auto=validate and MySQL text types stackoverflow.comI've tried to enable hbm2ddl.auto=validate on a project I've inherited. I now get a lot of wrong column type exceptions for String properties which are mapped either with text or ... |
2. Can i use BigDecimal as an id type in hibernate hbm? stackoverflow.comi am using hibernate. it has id column with 20 precisions as below but of NUMBER type. NUMBER(38,20) - this is the size given to id column of the table(Oracle database). This id ... |
3. Property "type "in .hbm.xml ignored? forum.hibernate.org |
4. hbm2java - nullable primitive types - FIX forum.hibernate.org |
5. How does hbm2java translate types? forum.hibernate.org |
6. how to map sql text type of the property in hbm file forum.hibernate.orgthis is mapping file-------------- |