null « HBM « JPA Q&A

1. Force hbm2ddl to output NULL for nullable values

I'm trying to get hbm2ddl to generate a schema for MySQL that includes a property that is a nullable timestamp. On MySQL, timestamps are NOT NULL by default, so I need the output to contain `CSEMAILVERIFIED` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, I've set 'not-null="false"' in my mapping, however hbm2ddl doesn't explicitly mark nullable fields as NULL, which causes the generated schema to ...

2. Not-null property in hbm not considered

Newbie Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 5:47 pm Posts: 14 Hi All I'm using the following environment: Spring 3.0.5 Hibernate 3.3.6 I created this hbm: Code: ...

3. Not-null (on property in the .hbm.xml file)and it's behavior

Hibernate version: 3.0 Mapping documents: Excerpt (names rewritten to protect the innocent): .... .... Name and version of the database you are using: DB2 v8.1.0.16 FixPak 2 The generated SQL (show_sql=true): Excerpted again (names changed again): select * from ( select ...., ( SELECT ...

4. Using with non-null columns...

Hello all, I am attempting to use to update the schema of the database upon deploy of the application (or more specifically, creation of the session factory). It seems that when adding a new primitive property to a mapped class, a new column is created in the database but it's values are all null. Hibernate will then complain when trying ...