name « HBM « JPA Q&A

1. Is it a good practice to let Hibernate create the tables automatically using create?

I know that adding ""=create Hibernate will create the tables automatically reading the mapping from the hbm / the annotation. Please let me know that if this ...

2. Hibernate where to put classname.hbm.xml

My friend Google told me I should put the classname.hbm.xml to where stays at. But it doesn't work, saying

resource: AccountsRequest.hbm.xml not found
AccountsRequest is the java class name. I ...

3. No schema name in hbm2ddl results

I'm generating ddl using maven hibernate plugin. I'm doing exactly what is described in this article (Generating DDL Scripts from JPA Annotations with Maven), however in output SQL there is ...

4. Names of Table, Class and hbm file

Should the names of the Table, the bean that binds to this table and the mapping xml file name necessariliy be the same. I generated my classes and hbm file using the ddl2hbm tool that comes with hibernate extensions and it generated the classes and hbm file name same as the table names. Can the names of class and hbm file ...

6. HBM2JAVA - adding prefix to classname, hiding full construct

Hi, Task: Part1: having sql schema, generate mapping files and classes with xdoclet. Part2: add a prefix _AAA and suffix _BBB to each generated class i java files Part3: make the full constructor didn't appear Part4: add implement word after each class name I've found some examples, downloaded middlegen and now i have generated some hbms.xml files and .java files. I ...

8. hbm2ddl generates an invalid column name (with '.' sign)

Hello, hbm2ddl generates a create table statement where the column names contain the dot character - while the used database Derby won't accept such a statement. I'm using the org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect and the org.hibernate.cfg.DefaultComponentSafeNamingStrategy for column names, which works fine for most of the mappings. The problem occurs where the mapped domain model object has a primary key consisting of multiple columns ...