netbeans « Glassfish « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate in Glassfish - Ejb3Configuration NoClassDefFoundError

I've put the Hibernate libraries in both the Glassfish domain and in the library collection of my project in Netbeans. hibernate-entitymanager.jar contains both HibernatePersistence (the last class in the call stack) ...

2. My hibernate project doesnt work when i choose apache instead of glassfish

I am using netbeans 6.9.1 to develop a project using frameworks Hibernate 3.2.5 and JavaServer Faces, i probably followed this tutorial In this tutorial it uses GlassFish 3 to ...

3. Hibernate ORM Provider, Netbeans 7, Glassfish (video)

I have big problem with basic of the Hibernate in all my projects. I have mysql server and there are a hiber database (localhost).
There are two tables: messages and user. I have Glassfish ...

4. Creating new entity classes from database in Netbeans and Glassfish

I am trying to create entity classes from database for my JPA/Hibernate project in Netbeans (7.0) IDE with Glassfish server (3.1) But I get the following error when selecting the datasource from ...

5. Why two different Client session of Java webapplication served by Glassfish and using Ejb Jpa and a unique DataBase cannot see the same data

Before begining i would ask you to excuse my bad english i'm a ivorian i speak french. I'm working on a java web (J2EE) application served by Glassfish. With Netbeans tools i ...

6. First attempts at EJB, JPA and Glassfish

View previous topic :: View next topic Author Message Gilbert Joined: 21 Nov 2008 Posts: 3 Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:43 am Post subject: First ...

7. Re: First attempts at EJB, JPA and Glassfish

View previous topic :: View next topic Author Message Melongo Annabel Posted via mailing list. Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:45 pm Post subject: Re: First ...

8. Web Application using JPA cannot run on Netbeans 6.9 because of Glassfish 3.0.1

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:43 pm Post subject: Web Application using JPA cannot run on Netbeans 6.9 because of Glassfish 3.0.1 Hi everyone, I am newbie here ...

9. Deploying java backend with Hibernate on glassfish server using connection pools

Hi, I'm a beginner with java. I'm used to make java backends deployed on my Glassfish 3 server and I make my frontend with Flex (Adobe). It is really simple backends (select, update, delete and so on....) Everything works nice but I need to use Hibernate (My client needs to...). I successfully made up my first "Hello Word" with netbeans in ...

10. JPA, Enterprise Client App, GlassFish problems

I've done some Java SE development and am trying to pick up some server-side knowledge, but I'm hitting some walls and I don't know enough at this point to navigate around them. Any help anyone can offer a Java EE noob is very much appreciated. I have a small side project to develop a client application that utilizes resources on the ...

11. JPA + Glassfish + Netbeans+enity class + generate tables =(

I'm trying to generate database tables from annotated @entity classes for starters I'm just trying to generate anything: 1) I created a Derby database called DBtest. 2) I right clicked on the project and clicked 'new persistence unit' 3) under 'Data source' I clicked 'New Datasource' 4) jndi name : jdbc/testDB Database Connection url: jdbc erby://localhost:1527/DBtest persistence.xml

14. EJB 3, GlassFish, NetBeans, JPA error!!!!! Help me please!!!

I'm developing a app in NetBeans 6, using GlassFish and EJB 3 but when I call the method createEntityManagerFactory, passing as parameter the name of my persistence.xml, I receive an Exception (HibernateException: Could not find datasource.). I looked the hibernate's source and the line is when the hibernate try to lookup my datasource, however I looked the Glassfish configuration and the ...

15. NB Platform + Hibernate + Glassfish + MySQL in NetBeans 6.1

Hi, Fist of all, thanks for replying. I know that I dont' "have to" use Hibernate, Glassfish ships directly with TopLink Essentials and it's transparent to use it. But I've had bad experiencies with TopLink and I'd like to use as my persistence provider Hibernate. Besides, I wante to use Rich Client with NB Plattform not only JSP. So my question ...

16. Help NetBeans and JPA

17. EAR in NetBeans with Hibernate + GlassFish + MySQL

Hello, this is my first post. For the past few days I've been googling for a demo application, tutorial or example for the application I'm trying to write: Rich Client with NetBeans Platform + Web Client with JSF + Glassfish v2 UR2 + Hibernate + MySQL. I'm using NetBeans 6.1 as my IDE and have installed the Hibernate Plugin, works excellent ...