level « Filter « JPA Q&A

1. use multiple filters at class level    forum.hibernate.org

Problem1: I have one filter already defined at the class level and wanted to have another filter at classs level. How to implement that? Problem2: My class structure is ClassA, ClassB and ClassC. Class A contains set for Class B. They have one to many relationship. ClassB and ClassC has many-to-one relationship. So I have following method call in my ClassB. ...

2. Hibernate dynamic filters row level security    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I'd like to know if the Hibernate supports custom row level security, I read on web tutorials about Spring + Hibernate, or filters. But I want to use only hibernate. But what I want is more specific is something like for example: I have restrictions to user xpto, for example, this user can see the only the person 1, but ...

3. Filter not applied to sub-level elements    forum.hibernate.org

Hi ! I'd like to use Hibernate 3 filters for temporal data. The problem is: the filter only gets applied to an element if this element is the top-level element in a query or a load. The filter is NOT applied if the element is eagerly fetched or is lazily fetched by navigating a collection. Is this a bug or am ...

4. class-level filters don't work?    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, Here is my problem: Child class: ... Parent class: When I leave the mapping like this, child records ...

5. many-to-one with class level filter trouble    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I'm using Hibernate 3.0.5 y i have follow mapping: .... .... and When i load of the class A with next code and i activate the filter, it don't activate the filter over class B ...

6. Filter at package level    forum.hibernate.org

sai wrote: How to have Filterdef at package level .I mean where exactly i mention it. I'm not sure if you're using annotations or XML, but in case of annotations, this is done by placing your @FilterDefs into a package-info.java file (within your package) just before the "package com.foo.xyz" line. I personally found this to be an ideal solution, but unfortunately ...