foreign key « Field « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate query a foreign key field with ID

For example, I have two entities: Employee and Address. Of these enitities, Employee has a foreign key AddressID references the ID column on Address. In the Java domain objects, Hibernate nicely ...

2. Hibernate reverse engineering doesn't create certain fields belonging to foreign keys

I'm using Hibernate reverse engineering tool inside Eclipse. All goes well except for this case: tables (yellow keys are primary keys, blue ones are foreign keys) You see that in LICENZA the field ...

3. How to work with foreign key field directly?

I have entity A that contains foreign key A.bpk to entity B that have primary key B.bpk. When I define in hibernate for class A many-to-one association to class B (using A.getB() ), I am not able to work with A.bpk, because I have only class reference to B. But I need in some cases to work directly with A.bpk (load ...

5. foreign key, null fields and one-to-many

Hi, I have been using NHibernate for a while now and am perplexed by one-to-many relationships. For example, if I have the following scrapbook class which contains a one-to-many bag of ScrapBookArticle objects. Here are the mapping files: Scrapbook Code: