1. Hibernate query a foreign key field with ID stackoverflow.comFor example, I have two entities: Employee and Address. Of these enitities, Employee has a foreign key AddressID references the ID column on Address. In the Java domain objects, Hibernate nicely ... |
2. Hibernate reverse engineering doesn't create certain fields belonging to foreign keys stackoverflow.comI'm using Hibernate reverse engineering tool inside Eclipse.
All goes well except for this case:
3. How to work with foreign key field directly? forum.hibernate.orgI have entity A that contains foreign key A.bpk to entity B that have primary key B.bpk. When I define in hibernate for class A many-to-one association to class B (using A.getB() ), I am not able to work with A.bpk, because I have only class reference to B. But I need in some cases to work directly with A.bpk (load ... |
4. LEFT JOIN where the foreign key constist of 2 fields forum.hibernate.org |
5. foreign key, null fields and one-to-many forum.hibernate.orgHi, I have been using NHibernate for a while now and am perplexed by one-to-many relationships. For example, if I have the following scrapbook class which contains a one-to-many bag of ScrapBookArticle objects. Here are the mapping files: Scrapbook Code: |