audit « Field « JPA Q&A

1. Storage of auditable fields per entity

I guess it's a good practice to capture auditable fields to track what happened to a particular entity (say createdBy, creationDate, modifiedBy, modifiedDate)

  1. I am assuming if an object is never modified ...

2. Does Hibernate Envers creates revision to audit tables if you update without changing any field values?

I am currently testing hibernate envers and I am confused with its behavior. Sometimes when we do updates without doing any changes, it does not record an audit. But currently, it ...

3. NHibernate - how to audit all fields of entity?

I'm using NHibernate and looking for a solution that will allow me to audit changes to all fields in entity. I want to be able to create a history table for ...

4. Prevent Update with many-to-many and Audit fields

Hi, I have a many-to-many relationship between two objects called "Big" and "Small". I am receiving data to persist from another system where each message contains one "Big" item and numerous "Small" items. I have added a created_date and updated_date field to each table using an EntityInterceptor. Two messages will always contain a different "Big" object but most of the "Small" ...