association « Field « JPA Q&A

1. JPA query many to one association

I want to build the following pseudo query Select a From APDU a where :id group is a field in APDU class of the type APDUGroup.class. I just want to get a list ...

2. How to set the association of two field in db using hibernate

Suppose the table have two fields:

url(varchar), type(smallint).
When the content of url is type of page,the type should be 1,then it should be 0. That's to say, when url like that :
The type should ...

3. JPA: what is the (preferrably one-word) primary term for @XToX annotated fields?

Question pretty much says it all. You can read "entity association" in but there's "relationship" in Which term is the primary one? (Sorry, I don't have access ...

4. JPA/toplink error - unknown state or association field

I'm testing this within eclipse using HSQLDB as the database however I'm receiving the following error: Exception [TOPLINK-8030] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 9.1 (Build b33)): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.EJBQLException Exception Description: Error compiling the query [Select a from Alert a where a.ALERTTIMESTAMP >= ?1 and a.ALERTTIMESTAMP < ?2], line 1, column 31: unknown state or association field [ALERTTIMESTAMP] of class [com.alerting.Alert].

5. Adding a field to an association table

Hello, I am trying to map "Tasks" to "Competences" in a many-to-many relation and I want to store an extra field (is_core_competence) in the relationship. Code: Task task_id (pk) name Competence competence_id (pk) name TaskCompetenceMapping task_id (pk) competence_id (pk) is_core_competence I first tried the "intermediate entity" solution from Java Persistence with Hibernate (p 303), but when running hbm2java, the inner Id ...

6. *ToOne associations and field vs. method annotation

Is it better to annotate methods with @Id, @Column, etc. so that *ToOne associations can be lazily fetched or will *ToOne associations be lazily fetched still if annotating the fields???? I can see the bytecode for not having to initialize the field up until getXXX is called when annotating the methods, but how is that possible is just the field annotated? ...

7. many-to-many associations with additional fields:insert pbls

Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); //create an employee"Create an Employee"); Employee employee = new Employee(); employee.setEmployeeId(new Integer(random.nextInt(10000))); employee.setSalary(4600); //create a Department"Create a Department"); Department department = new Department(); department.setDepartmentId(new Integer(random.nextInt(10000))); department.setName("TEST_DEPARTMENT"); department.setDescription("It is just the test dpt, not a real one!!"); //link the department to the employee"link the department to the employee"); employee.setDepartments(new HashSet()); ...

8. ORA-01407 - NULL Field on Update when updating Association

Page 1 of 1 [ 2 posts ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message aforsyth Post subject: ORA-01407 - NULL Field on Update when updating Association Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 6:18 am Newbie Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:45 pm Posts: 10 Location: Vancouver. B.C. Hi, I would appreciate ...

9. Best Practice: Returning select fields from association

If you need just few fields in the light object then duplication should not be a big deal and actually can be addressed at XML level by defining appropriate entities and reusing them. If usually you need the light object then mapping could look like and then use some utility method to get full object when necessary.

10. Unique index for many-to-many association(based on 2 fields)

Hi, I have the following class: /** * @hibernate.class table="movie" */ public class Movie extends BaseBusinessObject implements Serializable { /** * * @hibernate.column name="name" not-null="true" length="30" unique="true" */ String name; /** * * @hibernate.column name="dateofissue" not-null="true" */ Date dateOfIssue; /** * * @hibernate.column name="length" not-null="true" */ Integer length; /** * @hibernate.many-to-many class="com.acasa.annotation.pojo.Actor" column="actor_id" foreign-key="FK_ACTOR" * @hibernate.key column="movie_id" foreign-key="FK_MOVIE" ...

12. Association fields are not being inserted

13. Using filters on field values in association tables

Hibernate version:3.0.5 Mapping documents: ... ... ... Name and version ...

14. Association field initializer

My entity class looks like this: Code: public class Customer { private Set _images; @OneToMany(...) public Set getImages() { return _images; } public void setImages(Set images) { ...