setFetchSize « Fetch « JPA Q&A

1. setFetchSize Ignored

2. setFetchSize() is not working for my code

Criteria cri = session.createCriteria(Instrument.class); instrument = cri.add("shortName", "%" +description + "%").ignoreCase()) .setFetchSize(3) ...

3. setFirstResult(0) and setFetchSize(10) didn't work!

Hi Hibernators, I'm not sure if this is hibernate's bug or my mistake :-( Pls see next: HQL: Code: select distinct p from Product as p left outer join p.keywords as keyword where 1=1 and ( keyword.value like :keyword or like :prodNameKeyword ) Database: MSSQL2000 sp4 JDBC driver: JTDS version 1.2 Hibernate: version 3.2.3ga and 3.2.5 ga For above situction, ...