record « Fetch « JPA Q&A

1. Retrieve large no: of records

Hi, I want to retrieve say 100,000 records from the database table. I want to do it in batches of 1000 so that it doesnt throw an out of memory error. Is there any way to fetch the first 1000 records and then the next 1000 until all the records are fetched. How will hibernate know to fetch the next 1000 ...

2. URGENT:Unable to retrieve records through HIbernate

Newbie Joined: Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:55 am Posts: 2 Hi I am a newbie for hibernate. This is the issue with a first example given in the Hibernate documentation.I used Oracle 10g/MySQL/Sql Server 2k5 and I am unable to retrieve records from those database. Here is the following configurations: emp.hbm.xml Code:

3. most effcient way to retrieve the Top Ten records

Hi all I want to retrive the 10 objects that have the hightest values in a certain pppperty. I know from SQL Server that the syntax SELECT TOP exist to do this. We have something like this in hibernate as well ? I not what is the most effcient way to retriebe this top ten objects ? Thanx a lot Thorsten ...

4. Records fetching problem with the query

5. Best approch to fetch 1000 records

the best way is to have the best mapping and only retrieve the part a the graph you need. 1st: use .list() instead of .iterate() 2nd: use lazy=true for to-many relations if you don't need the lists to be loaded 3rd: use proxy (and outer-join=false) for to-one relation to block the load of your object graph and before all this read ...

6. How to remove redundant records when using left-join fetch?

Although the Set.addAll(list) helps to get clean result set, it doesnot change the underlying query behavior of Hibernate. Since Hibernate is doing left-join fetch like SQL, a lot of extra objects will be generated from the query unnecessarily. For large querys (for example, setMaxResult(100)), the memory usage and the response is really bad. So is there any better way to solve ...

7. fetching 100 records or more

8. cant retrieve records from db

public XXX findByName(String name) { try { XXX instance = (XXX ) sessionFactory.openSession().createCriteria( XXX.class, name).add("name", name)).uniqueResult(); return instance; ...

9. how to get a random fetch of records

One way would be to have a column in the Question table whose value is a number..1,2,3,4...etc. This could be an id column for that matter. Now you can generate a random number using Random, for example and do a select using "where id=". You'd probably need to normalize the generated number.

10. Fetching records in batches using hibernate

Hi All, I am using Hibernate to query a table having more than 200000 records. I used the session.createCriteria().list() method. However this causes a ava.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space exception. Is there any way in hibernate that i can read data in batches? i.e. read about 100 records, process them and then read the next 100 records? Any help would be appreciated. ...

11. Hibernate fails to fetch the record in the Database

Hi , My problem is this : *************** We are developing a J2EE based server application which has to cater to different types of mobile clients. The clients will be pinging the server at a rate of 4-5 requests per sec. I use HibernateUtil.getSession().load(PK) and it returns null..but the record is very much there in the DB..i have not inserted that ...

12. how to fetch records form 2 differnt tables using Criteria

Hi , I am using Criteria. I have 2 table .suppose say Table A and table B . Table A has id1 and Table B has id2 . And TableB has association with Table A(many-one Association). In the Criteria How can I compare 2 table from id1 Table A to id2 Table B . Query as follows : select * from ...

13. fetch records with no association

Hi All, I have table A ,Table B and Table C table B and Table C has parent and children association . where as Table A does not have any assocition with reamining table . here my issue is I have a column "DOC_ID" in table A stores Table B's primary Key . I would like to get some name from ...

14. fetching records by using hql and criteria is taking more

Hi All I have a query , when ever i iam getting 400 -500 records it is taking 3-4 sec. but when iam getting around 5000 record it is taking more time around 3 min in local system. the method is public List getAllSourcedCandiadtes(String startingDate, String endingDate) { return (List) getHibernateTemplate().find( "select distinct prospectiveCandidates from ProspectiveCandidates prospectiveCandidates where prospectiveCandidates.appliedDate between '" ...