nest « Fetch « JPA Q&A

1. "Automatic" join fetching of nested entities fails after updating Hibernate

After upgrading to a newer hibernate version (guess it came with the switch from JBoss 4.2.2 to JBoss 6), some queries fail with the message:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.QueryException: query specified join ...

2. Nested fetch joins

Hi, I do understand that Hibernate does not support multiple fetch joins from one entity to another. What elludes me is why it does not support fetch joins in nested queries. Say I have the following classes: Code: class Category { @Id private Integer id; private String name; @OneToMany(mappedBy="category", cascade=CascadeType.ALL) private ...

3. Criteria API supports nested eager fetching?

Quote: Criteria API doesn't support setting eager fetching for subcriterias Sorry, bad example, it doesn't just have to be subcriterias. When you're displaying the results of a search, it's quite likely that you're going to need attributes from associated objects, whether you restrict on those associations or not. That's why Criteria API eager fetching functionality exists in the first place, right? ...

4. Fetching nested collections

Hibernate version: 2.1.7, about to upgrade to 3.0b I have a table structure A 1:n B n:1 C 1:n D 1:n E so you can think of - A having an optional n:n to C (e.g. A possibly has no B:s or thus C:s) - D and E are aggregates of C that should always be loaded with C. Now, eager ...

5. nested fetch in HQL

Hi i have the following structure of object Grid ---Row (first level has a parentRow = null) ------SubRows ... (which is actually a Row that its parent Row is not null) ------Cells ---Cells as you can se i have a grid that has one or more rows, and each row has one or more cells. and this row may have one ...

6. Using fetch="join"strategy not working for nested

Hibernate version:[3.2] Name and version of the database you are using:Oracle10G I have 3 classes say Form Questions AnswerOptions The relationship from Form to Questions is one-many The relationship from Questions to Answeroptions is one-many Form.hbm.xml ...