mode « Fetch « JPA Q&A

1. JPA / How to fetch entity in read-only mode?

I am facing an issue, where I need to retrieve an entity two times in read-only mode to compare them ( need to have to seperate object's from db pointing the ...

2. How do I change fetch mode?

Spring/Hibernate We are using annotations & AOP, not xml so we don't have and don't want a hibernate config xml. I can't change the entities because they are auto generated from the database so I can't just tag the entity with @Fetch. How can I change the fetch mode pragmatically? The select we are using contains no joins so I can't ...

3. Setting fetch mode for arbitrary HQL

Hi all, Let's say that I have three Hibernate-mapped classes in my project: Cat, Dog, and Squirrel. Here are their relevant properties: Code: public class Squirrel { private Long squirrelId; ... } public class Cat { private Long catId; private String slaveName; ...

4. set EAGER fetch mode problem

Setting the mapping of the association to EAGER does work, the second association is then, though set to EAGER as well, not being initialized for the following reason (taken from 'Hibernate in Action''): Hibernate currently limits you to fetching just one collection eagerly. This is a reasonable restriction, since fetching more than one collection in a single query would be a ...

5. Different data set is returned depending on the fetch mode

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 While executing the same HQL I get a different data set depending if I use join or subselect fetch. Mapping: Code: ...

6. Fetch mode JOIN returns duplicate results

public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException,SQLException { return session.createCriteria(Ihtiyac.class) .setFetchMode("karsilayanlar",FetchMode.JOIN) ...

7. JOIN fetch mode works but SELECT does not

Newbie Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2005 8:37 am Posts: 10 Location: University of Edinburgh Hello, I am having performance problems with persisting a collection of classes due (it seems to me) to the use of FetchMode.JOIN. I have tried with FetchMode.SELECT but I have not managed to make it work, so I am sending this email hoping to get some good ...