disable « Fetch « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate disable collection fetching    stackoverflow.com

Using latest Hibernate 3... Have a model where Element class has 2 list collections against a Relation class. The one being where Element owns (sources) the Relation and the other when ...

2. how to disable fetch of id    forum.hibernate.org

I have a table, and have a id field: @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Long id; It can get the value of id from the table object when execute bulk save method. But I don't need the value of id when bulk insert. To improve the performance of bulk insert, i want to disable the fetch of id. Does hibernate provide ...

3. Disabling lazy fetching    forum.hibernate.org

Hey all, ...hope I'm posting in the right place. We're running Hibernate 3.0 and have disabled lazy loading for several collections on one class (See below for a section of .hbm.xml). My question is this. We want to have lazy loading disabled on all collections in all but one case, since we typically only get one instance of this class at ...

4. How to disable fetching assocaited objects    forum.hibernate.org

I tried your suggestion but the result is same that Hibernate still gets associated object "b" by usign another SQL as below: Mapping ====== SQL === Hibernate: select this.ROLE_ID as ROLE_ID0_, this.DESCRIPTION as DESCRIPT2_0_, t his.ROLE_ID_FK as ...

5. Lazy fetching may be completely disabled by setting lazy...    forum.hibernate.org

In the Hibernate documentation, it states that: Lazy fetching may be completely disabled by setting lazy="false" But what does this mean, exactly? I have a mapping document with a class element that has lazy="false" and two one-to-many associations, yet if I load an instance of the class with: Session.load(Class, Serializeable) it doesn't load the other associations or collections. So, in what ...

6. Want to disable identity_val_local fetch being executed    forum.hibernate.org

Hi We are using hibernate with DB2 on Z/os. We have defined a table with identity column. When we insert into this table hibernate internally executes query select identity_val_local from sysibm.sysdummy1. We dont want the value generated in identity column so we want to disable this feature (this extra fetch is causing performance problem). Also in our application we are actually ...