column « Fetch « JPA Q&A

1. hibernate fetch specific column from database using criteria

I want to fetch specific column from database by using criteria. select name, lastname from sssssss Please reply Thanks in advance.

2. Fetch only one column using hibernate 3.0

I have a table(USER) and view(PERSON). These two are related in one-to-one way with PERSON_ID in both the tables. But User table primary key is USER_ID and not PERSON-ID. I want to fetch only one column PERSON.CITY and this should be readonly fetch. Anyway person is view. So if I put one-to-one, then whole object(with 50 col) is fetched which is ...

3. How to fetch column names from SQL Query

4. How to retrieve column name from createNativeQuery

I have tried variety of approaches and it seems there is no easy way to obtain the column names from a SP where is being returning the result sets as List. The following is my code snip: List list = null; try { Query query = em.createNativeQuery("{call dbo.usp_sel_PlayerContact(?)}", "getPlayerContactByPlayerIdSPMapping").setParameter(1, playerId); list = query.getResultList(); for (Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Object[] ...

5. retrieve identity column value of SQL DB table in hibernate

Hi, I am newbie to hibernate. Scenario of my application is like: My SQL DB table has identity column (say column as ID) and in hibernate it is configured as Now In my web application I have to see next ID of this column in read only text box. ...

6. How to retrieve column names and their values ?

Suppose one row in a "ResultSet" ( i.e ScrollableResult in Hibernate ) looks like this : How can I get the columnnames out, and their corresponding value (strings in this case )? I.e, I want something like : column1 , string1 column2 , string2 column3 , string3 Maybe this can't be done with ScrollableResults ? Is there any other ...

7. How to retrieve unique column values from an object?

Hi I've got a POJO with a bunch of String's etc inside it, mapped as persistent. I am creating an app that does query's on the values inside that object so for instance I have a String field state. I want my query box to show only the values for state currently in all of my objects. Is it possible to ...

9. how to fetch selected columns only from DB using QuerySelect

as i m uinsg hibernate i need to fetch specific columns from DB using the Query Select as i have to use that only .. please help me out in this issue as i m struggling to find the syntax to use this particular thing "QuerySelect" in retriving any 2 columns from Database . can anyone give me a piece of ...

12. How to fetch specific column using Criteria class?

Criteria ct = session.createCriteria( TableOne.class, "t_one" ); ct.add( Restrictions.eq( "t_one.propertyOne", objectOne ) ); ct.add( Restrictions.eq( "t_one.propertyTwo", objectTwo ) ); ct.createCriteria( "t_one.collectionProperty", "colls" ); // this maps to join table or TableTwo.class ProjectionList pl = Projections.projectionList(); pl.add( "t_one.propertyOne" ) ); pl.add( "t_one.propertyThree" ) ); pl.add( "colls.propOne" ) ); ct.setProjection( pl ); List results = ct.list();

13. Fetching column names

14. Fetching column names from existing Database

15. Call PL/SQL funct for fetching a column & others from DB

Hi all, I am new to hibernate. I need to fetch list of rows from db in which one field should be fetched from pl/sql function and all the others from date base colums. How to call this pl/sql function in each row for fetching my customized column and other column from DB. eg: I want to call this kind of ...

16. Fetch only one column using hibernate 3.0

I have a table(USER) and view(PERSON). These two are related in one-to-one way with PERSON_ID in both the tables. But User table primary key is USER_ID and not PERSON-ID. I want to fetch only one column PERSON.CITY and this should be readonly fetch. Anyway person is view. So if I put one-to-one, then whole object(with 50 col) is fetched which is ...

17. To fetch the value from CLOB column in Hibernate ?

Hibernate Version : 3.2.2 In my application ,i have modelled object with column type as a clob.The clob column contains text data. My requriment is fetch the part of the string from clob column through hibernate api .It should not return the full value. For Example if the clob column contains " Hibernate is the best framework , Easy to Learn ...