Retrieve « Fetch « JPA Q&A

1. How Do I Retrieve The Class Name From Hibernate?

If there's already a question that addresses this, then could I please get a link as I cannot find one. I'm looking to obtain the stored class name of an object stored ...

2. Retrieve auto-detected hibernate dialect

Hibernate has the option to auto-detetect the hibernate.dialect. How can I retrieve that auto-detected value? I was unable to find any information on this.

3. Retrieve all user from domain

Hi my idea is to retrieve all users from google app domain using java. I retrieved all the user using Provisioning api but when i tried to store the data ...

4. How to Retrieve data in Hibernate

5. Retrieve binary data and stream to web client

Newbie Joined: Sat Apr 23, 2005 7:28 am Posts: 18 My application uses Hibernate 3.2.5, RichFaces 3.3.3, Tomcat 6.0.24 and SQL Server 2008. The application accepts client files and stored these in the database (SQL Server (varbinary(max)) field). File upload, serialization and storage is just fine; I have tested with files up to 848Mb with no problems. File retrieval is however ...

6. Envers retrieve revisions produces PropertyNotFoundException

Newbie Joined: Wed May 19, 2010 9:37 am Posts: 1 Hi all, On retrieve all revisions of a entity with a composite-id the function AuditReaderImpl.find produces the following error: ===================================================================== 11:51:34,825 ERROR http-8080-2 HibernateVersionDAOUtil:52 - ::getVersions: error loading: ContentData org.hibernate.envers.exception.AuditException: org.hibernate.PropertyNotFoundException: Could not find a setter for property contentid in class java.lang.Object at at org.hibernate.envers.entities.EntityInstantiator.createInstanceFromVersionsEntity( at org.hibernate.envers.entities.EntityInstantiator.addInstancesFromVersionsEntities( at org.hibernate.envers.query.impl.EntitiesAtRevisionQuery.list( at ...

7. Right way to retrieve "many" end of one-to-many ma

Hi, guys: We have a birdirectional one-to-many association between department and stident. We are trying to retrieve a list of students based on a given department. The following is the code we wrote to do this job. This code works, but we are wondering if this kind of coding has a downside and affect performance. Or is there a better way ...

8. Retrieve set problem

9. Unable to retrieve UserTransaction from JNDI

I am trying to get Hibernate 2.1 up and running under WebSphere 5.1 (the Test Server version in WSAD). I would like to use JTA transactions. However, whenever I call one of my session EJBs, I get the following exception: [6/24/04 15:44:47:056 PDT] 54b11b7a Helpers W NMSV0605W: A Reference object looked up from the context "localhost/nodes/localhost/servers/server1" with the name "jta/usertransaction" was ...

10. How to retrieve a DataSource from JNDI with security set?

java:comp/env/jdbc/MyDS net.sf.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect com.evermind.server.ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory ormi://localhost:23891/current-workspace-app ...

11. Easy question on how to retrieve a Filtered Set.

Hi, am using Hibernate 3.0.2 and I guess I have an easy (HQL) query to do, but I dont see how to do it. I want to get a filtered set. Basically I wanna get all children under a parent where child.OneProperty="test". In parameter, I have the starting Parent (myParent) Object. How can I do this in HQL? Or in Criteria? ...

12. Retrieve infos from Mbeans

13. How to retrieve user name ?

Hibernate version: 3 I want to limit the Query with the user name imposed with JDBCRealm. public List getUserRoleList(String in_usernm) { Session session = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.currentSession(); Query query = session.createQuery( "select UserRole from com.erp.hibernate.user.UserRole where UserRole.usernm = :usernm UserRole order by UserRole.messageKey"); query.setString("usernm", in_usernm); How to get the login username within Hibernate? Should it be passed from ...

14. How to retrieve Backend or Dialect???

15. could not retrieve snapshot

Newbie Joined: Fri May 26, 2006 1:31 pm Posts: 2 I use a session bean in jboss 4.0.2 with hibernate and the ejb was deployed with success, but when I call my bussines method I receive a exeception. I must tell that the har archive was deployed with success too. All mapping docs was created with JBOSS-IDE. Hibernate version: 3.0.2 Mapping ...

16. Retrieve the

Table table = classMapping.getTable(); Map lengthMapping = new HashMap(); Map scaleMapping = new HashMap(); Map precisionMapping = new HashMap(); for (Iterator iter = table.getColumnIterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ...

17. SwarmCache: 2 Machines Can Connect, Can't Retrieve

sorry if my q not related to hibernate but i guess from experienced members here, some might help.. i have downloaded a simple test java code on swarmcache and tried to run on 2 machines (named COM1 and COM2). i set both machines to have same multicast address (, cache name (TEST), cache type (Hybrid) and cache size (255). then i ...

18. retrieve most recent many in one-to-many?

public class Customer { ... private int fCustomerID; private String fCustomerName; ... } public class Invoice { ... private int fInvoiceID; private Data fInvoiceDate private double fInvoiceAmount; private int fCustomerID; ... ...

19. Not able to retrieve data

Hi, My problem is - I am trying to save a newly created object. It gets saved in the database. Now when i try to retrieve the above saved object using the select query then I am not getting the saved data. In case of SQL Server 2005 I am getting the data but in case of MySQL I am not ...

20. Retrieve configuration information

21. How to retrieve org.hibernate.SessionFactory?

Hi all, Please help me to overcome the following scenario: I have a stand-alone application. This application allow user input the information to establish connection to database similar with the information below: Code: ...

22. Hibernate auto retrieve

I am attempting to create a transaction involving the creation of a new user and assigning roles to that user at the same time. Every user is getting the role of "ROLE_USER". Now my question is, is there a way to get hibernate to recognize that a "ROLE_USER" in the db already and to use that one instead of creating a ...

23. Optimal way to retrieve Masters

25. GenericJDBCException: could not retrieve GUID

Hi at all, I'm a newbie on this community I would like to thank everyone u'll read the post. I have the following problem: org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not retrieve GUID The application should write on an oracle database. The table descriptor is the following: ...