FetchMode « Fetch « JPA Q&A

1. Setting FetchMode in native Hibernate    stackoverflow.com

I need to set the fetch mode on my hibernate mappings to be eager in some cases, and lazy in others. I have my default (set through the hbm file) as ...

2. FetchMode in JPA 2 CriteriaQuery    stackoverflow.com

I'm currently in the process of switching from Hibernate to pure JPA 2 (which by the way turned out to be much more time consuming than I initially expected).
The biggest problem ...

3. Hibernate Issuing select statement even if FetchMode = Join    stackoverflow.com

I have a userAccount entity mapped with a country entity . The country mapping in UserAccount class is like this

@JoinColumn(name="f_country_id", nullable=true, insertable=false, updatable=false)
private Country country;
Even there is fetchmode defined as Join, ...

4. FetchMode only works with primary key Column    stackoverflow.com

I have changes the code but the issue is still there

    CandidateResumeInfo candidateResumeInfo = new CandidateResumeInfo();
    ArrayList<CandidateResumeInfo> allCandidateResumeInfo= new ArrayList<CandidateResumeInfo>();

    Session ...

5. Pagination with Hibernate criteria and FetchMode.JOIN    stackoverflow.com

I've got two tables, 'Players' and 'Items'. Players have a list of items. I want to retrieve the players, and all of their items, using pagination. I want ...

6. FetchMode as JOIN in JPA    stackoverflow.com

How do we specify FetchMode as JOIN in JPA? I do understand that in hibernate we can do it by @Fetch(FetchType.JOIN). But how do we achieve this in JPA?

9. FetchMode.JOIN doesn't work for Criteria    forum.hibernate.org

10. Forcing FetchMode=JOIN?    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I have the following example - classes A, B with a 1:n relationship. Code: @Entity @Table(name = "A") @SequenceGenerator(name = "keyid_generator", sequenceName = "A_sequence") public class A extends AbstractIntKeyIntOptimisticLockingDto { private String name; private Set bs; @OneToMany(mappedBy = "a", fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @Fetch(FetchMode.JOIN) public Set ...

11. Criteria api projection and fetchmode    forum.hibernate.org

12. Why is FetchMode.JOIN ignored?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have a Flight and a Pilot Entity. I would like Hibernate to load the Pilot relationship eager using a JOIN, however executing "select f from flight f order by f.id" I see one select for each Pilot returned by the query. Any idea what the reason could be? Thank you in advance, Clemens Code: @Entity @SequenceGenerator(name="flight_seq", sequenceName="flight_id_seq", allocationSize=1) public ...

13. Filter's subselect fails when used with fetchmode=subselect    forum.hibernate.org

Summary: The Hibernate filter's parameters are not populated when an entity's Collection is populated using a fetch mode of subselect. Details: I have a class (MyClass) with 2 collection properties: catalysts and attributeValues. Both are annotated to use a lazy fetch, and to use a subselect to do the fetching (see the sample code with annotations below). The attributeValues collection is ...

14. Hibernate returning superclass when using Fetchmode.SELECT    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have a super-class Contact and a subclass Phone, Email,etc Now if I add @Fetch(value = FetchMode.SELECT ) to the getContactSet method the query return only the superclass of the record and I get the error Contact_$$_javassist_108 cannot be cast to Phone @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "activity", fetch = FetchType.EAGER, orphanRemoval = true) @Fetch(value = FetchMode.SELECT ) public Set ...

15. Reasons for FetchMode.JOIN to be ignored?    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I have a quite common class structure consistsing of the classes Article, SoldArticle, Sell and Bill: Code: public class Article {} public class SoldArticle { @ManyToOne(fetch=FetchType.EAGER) @Fetch(FetchMode.JOIN) @JoinColumn(name = "artikelid", columnDefinition = "INTEGER") Artikel artikel; } public class Sell { ...

16. fetchmode.LAZY 2 level cache    forum.hibernate.org

17. issue using FetchMode.join    forum.hibernate.org

hi, We have tables similar to Payment{id, col1, col2} (Table1.id is primary key; auto increment one) PaymentAmount{payment_id,transaction_status, col1, col2... } (PaymentAmount.payment_id references Payment.id; [id, status] together form the pk for PaymentAmount; Now, I have the hibernate mappings auto generated by eclipse plugin; Code: Payment{ Integer id; ... ...

18. setFetchMode FetchMode.JOIN for multiple nested collections?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, I'm attempting to optimize an application with some familiar object relationships, and I'm unsure if it's possible (or wise) to try to fetch a whole object graph in one SELECT. I've searched and found posts from 2004, 5 and 6, but nothing very recent. The documentation describes optimizing SELECTs using FetchMode.JOIN for single level relationships, but not multiple level ...

19. Use of FetchMode    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, We are trying lazy data fetching using fetchMode. But it is not working as mentioned in documentation. We tried this property with primitive, and also with collection but did't get required results, means it is not fetching collection items lazily but fetching these with the main object. Please let me know how to use this property. I am giving the ...

20. FetchMode.EAGER and String[]    forum.hibernate.org

22. Criteria and setFetchMode(FetchMode.LAZY)    forum.hibernate.org

I have been trying to lazy load some collections in my entity, which are usually loaded by default. The Criteria API offers a setFetchMode(FetchMode.LAZY) option, but it doesn't seem to work the way I expect it to. Below is a test which replicates the problem. I do not want to use a lazy="true" on the mapping, as the real entity is ...

23. Problem with the lazy attrubute and FetchMode EAGER    forum.hibernate.org

Hi guys, I have a User parent class which has a Set of UserAccessRights objects. I want to dynamically change the way I load the User with or without the Set of UserAccessRights objects initialized. So I set the lazy attribute in the User mapping xml file to true as below. Mapping documents:

24. problem with FetchMode=LAZY and many-to-one association    forum.hibernate.org

Hi: I have 2 tables: user and agent. User table has agentId as a foreign key. The association is defined as follows: Code: ...

25. FetchMode strategy AGAIN    forum.hibernate.org

There is more than one topic about this kind of problem and no answer. If the question is stupid or irrelevant, please let me know. For the instance, it's causing me a BIG problem so I don't have any other choice than posting it again. In Hibernate in Action, Chapter 7(7.3.2) it is suggested that if we want to disable outer ...

26. Getting several times the same object with FetchMode = JOIN    forum.hibernate.org

I'm getting several times the same object when setting Fetchmode equals to Join on a object parent-childs relationship. Actually, for each child I'm getting a 'new' parent - with the same pointer -. Parent has a collection of child (no join table). Due to the large amount of data (>1mio Parents, 20mio Childs) don't fetching would be very time consuming as ...

27. FetchMode.SUBSELECT    forum.hibernate.org

I am a bit confused with the constants in Class FetchMode. FetchMode.LAZY is deprecated, it says "use FetchMode.SELECT". The comment in FetchMode.SELECT is, however: "Fetch eagerly, using a separate select". --> So when I want to use lazy loading with Fetch Mode "SELECT", I would have chosen FetchMode.SELECT. According to the comment, this would however cause eager fetching. So how do ...

28. FetchMode.LAZY returns objects for collection anyway?    forum.hibernate.org

I've got a pretty simple DAO method that is attempting to retrieve objects without filling in the whole graph for particular fields that contain collections of other objects. So, in my method I set FetchMode.LAZY on the collection fields in question. However, after executing the Criteria list() method, I see that the collections are populated anyway. Is there some other controlling ...

29. FetchMode.SELECT has no effect    forum.hibernate.org

I'll continue my monologue... In the meantime, I got it. The javadoc comment of FetchMode.SELECT ("Fetch eagerly, using a separate select.") is obviously misleading. The reference docs state the opposite logic. But I still think there should be a FetchMode for immediate fetching associations mapped as lazy - without using FetchMode.JOIN. Is there any chance for a Feature Request? Feel free ...

30. FetchMode.JOIN breaks when ordering    forum.hibernate.org

This works fine: ... crit.setFetchMode("phones", FetchMode.JOIN); ... // sometime later - session is now closed // and contact has been populated from the query contact.getPhones(); This does not work: ... crit.setFetchMode("phones", FetchMode.JOIN); crit.createAlias("phones", "ps"); crit.addOrder(Order.asc("ps.areaCode")); ... // sometime later - session is now closed // and contact has been populated from the query. // Throws LazyInitializationException contact.getPhones(); I also tried this: ...

31. FetchMode = SUB_SELECT doesn't exist    forum.hibernate.org

32. FetchMode.SELECT not working?    forum.hibernate.org

@Entity @Cache(usage=CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE) public class MutableRole implements Role { ... @ManyToOne(targetEntity=MutableGroup.class, fetch=FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name="GROUP_TYPE_ID", nullable=false) public Group getGroup() { return group; } } @Entity @Cache(usage=CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE) public class MutableGroup implements Group { ... } ...

33. Multiple select queries issue - with FetchMode.SELECT    forum.hibernate.org

In our application, where we are using 'org.hibernate.Criteria' to fetch records. Here is a brief description of the object relationships: 1) A is the parent object 2) B, C, D are children of A 3) E is child of B For A.C, the 'FetchMode.JOIN' is specified. For A.B and A.D, the 'FetchMode.SELECT' is specified. For B.E, the 'FetchMode.SELECT' is specified. Scenario ...

34. why FetchMode.EAGER doesnt work? I used a tricky workaround!    forum.hibernate.org

Beginner Joined: Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:13 am Posts: 47 Hello I have an Entity namely "OtherProviders" with a join with two other entity "MedicalService" and "HealthProvider" that each entity has a list with the names "medicalServiceLocales" and "healthProviderLocales". when I select from OtherProviders, I want to load both "medicalServiceLocales" and "healthProviderLocales" eagerly, not lazily. but the FetchMode of criteria doesnt ...

35. why FetchMode.EAGER doesnt work? I used a tricky workaround!    forum.hibernate.org

Beginner Joined: Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:13 am Posts: 47 Hello I have an Entity namely "OtherProviders" with a join with two other entity "MedicalService" and "HealthProvider" that each entity has a list with the names "medicalServiceLocales" and "healthProviderLocales". when I select from OtherProviders, I want to load both "medicalServiceLocales" and "healthProviderLocales" eagerly, not lazily. but the FetchMode of criteria doesnt ...

36. FetchMode.JOIN returning too many entities    forum.hibernate.org

core: 3.2.0.cr2, ann: 3.2.0.CR1 hi, I have a problem with a Criteria query returning the same entity multiple times in a result list. Given the entity structure below with each item having an arbitrary number of translations and item groups. If I then use the following query setting the associations to be fetched eagerly I get a resultset containing too many ...

37. Can I use FetchMode.JOIN with DISTINCT and setMaxResult?    forum.hibernate.org

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp Hibernate version:3.1.3 Name and version of the database you are using: Firebird 1.5 Can I use FetchMode.JOIN with Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY and setMaxResult? I've used FetchMode.JOIN to solve N + 1 select problem and Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY to remove duplicate entries. The query runs properly this way but if I add setMaxResult I get a ...

38. Hibernate2 FetchMode.EAGER not working    forum.hibernate.org

Hi everyone, I'm having a problem with eager fetching. I'm attempting to set up a Criteria query that has appropriate constraints and fully hydrates the objects I need to perform some business logic. For some reason one of the collections that I'm trying to specify should be fetched eagerly contines to be fetched lazily. I've just been playing with the Criteria ...

40. FetchMode.SELECT triggers an "eager second select"    forum.hibernate.org

What's the meaning of lazy. I mean, I think I know it but, from what I understood, that's : Say you have A which contains a list of B * Retrieve A with a criteria query like session.createCriteria(A.class).setFetchMode("b",FetchMode.SELECT); * close the session * access a.getB() without receiving a LazyInitException ? I just re-tried this use case and received a LazyInitException... Maybe ...

41. Why is there no FetchMode.SUBSELECT ?    forum.hibernate.org

I have mapped the List of items in my Category.hbm.xml with a fetch="subselect' This works fine. But I wanted to choose how to fetch items in a Category. So I removed the fetch="subselect' in Category.hbm.xml and build a Criteria Why is there no criteria.setFetchMode("items", FetchMode.SUBSELECT) ?? I can only pick a FETCHMODE.SELECT, but then I get (n+1) selects.

42. about FetchMode.JOIN and order by clauses    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.2.2 I'm using the Criteria API to dynamically perform joins with multiple associated collections. In the generated SQL I find that for each dynamically associated entity, there's a left outer join (which is expected), and in addition an "order by" clause as well on the respective foreign keys of associated collections. Is there a reason for the additional order ...

43. Initailizing a set using setFetchMode(FetchMode.JOIN)    forum.hibernate.org

I am trying to initialize a set using the following Criteria: ... crit.setFetchMode("client", FetchMode.JOIN); crit = crit.createCriteria("searches").add(Restrictions.like("searchString", search)); crit.setFetchMode("searches", FetchMode.JOIN); ... When I execute the query only client( an association to another object ) has been initialized, not the set of searches. Am I wrong in thinking that the searches set should also be initialized? The SQL certainly indicates that a ...

44. How can I do FetchMode DontBother    forum.hibernate.org

I have 3 entities Hibernate 3.2.6/annotations 3.3.0 class A { @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @JoinColumn(name = "b", referencedColumnName="b") private B b; } class B { @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name = "c", referencedColumnName="c") private C c; } class C { } I want to retrieve a list of A Joined to B, but C is not necessary for this query. When I get ...

45. FetchMode Lazy where the reference is a non-primay unique ke    forum.hibernate.org

I have an object A that refers to an object B, by a non-primary unique key. I want the fetch mode to be lazy, but it appears that this object is always retrieved using a subselect. If not, can I do it with a join? Thanks Kal using annotations 3.3.0, core 3.2.6 and mysql It appears that in the Loader, line ...

46. Session.get with FetchMode    forum.hibernate.org

Is possible to execute something like: session.get(myObjId, FETCH_JOIN_ALL) ? I was trying something like Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(myClass); // for each collection property criteria.setFetchMode(property, FetchMode_JOIN); what I miss now is how can I set the identifing property without knowing the property name....as I already do with session.get() I've found I can ask the Persister, but I cannot access the persister from ...

48. Problem with Criteria & FetchMode    forum.hibernate.org

I keep gettting LazyInitializationExceptions although I use setFetchMode() to initialize fields. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Extract of my code: Code: Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(EntryLinkDelta.class) .createCriteria("providerEntryLink", "pel") ...

49. FetchMode.Join    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I've a table A with a oneToMany mapping on table B. I use the following criteria to do a eager fetch Code: List aList =currentSession().createCriteria(A.class). add(Restrictions.eq("user.id", userId)). ...

50. Release 3.3.2 - FetchMode.SUBSELECT not working with filters    forum.hibernate.org

For the following mapping: Code: @Entity @Table(name = "FILTER_ENTITIES") @FilterDef(name = "theFilter", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "theFilter", type = "integer")) @Filter(name = "theFilter", condition = "theFilter = :theFilter") public class FilterEntity { private Integer id; private Integer thefilter; private List theValues; public FilterEntity() { ...