Duplicate « Fetch « JPA Q&A

1. hibernate 3 retrieve query returns duplicates    coderanch.com

Hi, I am retrieving a result set based on a certain criteria and working fine with hibernate2. After migration to Hibernate3(DTD changed), the same query now returns duplicates. Like: if you have to get 100 different records for the query, I am getting 100 but all of them are same rows (one row repeatred 100 times). I have an orderby clause ...

2. Duplicate Row IN Hibernate Fetch    coderanch.com

@ManyToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.REFRESH}, targetEntity = Path.class, fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinTable(name = "Path_GRP", joinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "GRP") }, inverseJoinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "Path") }) private List paths = new LinkedList(); The above query is returning a list which contains a duplicate object. Example: Suppose if it has to return 9 objects it is retuning 10 instead. One ...

3. Outer Fetch join returns duplicate parent objects    forum.hibernate.org

Expert Joined: Fri Nov 07, 2003 4:24 am Posts: 315 Location: Cape Town, South Africa Hi, I am trying to eagerly fetch an association (FetchChild) whilst selecting a parent object (FetchParent) using HQL as described in the reference manual section 10.3: Quote: from eg.Cat as cat join cat.mate as mate left join cat.kittens as kitten My mapping files are: FetchParent Code: ...

4. join fetching and duplicate associations    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have been exploring a demo application for Hibernate which is simply an organization chart with employees having other employees as their supervisors. While I was fiddling around with lazy loading and fetching, I noticed that Hibernate will only fetch one level deep into the supervisor relationship with outer join fetching. After some tracing, this occurs because Hibernate will not ...

5. left join fetch returns duplicates    forum.hibernate.org

6. Duplicate results with "join fetch" for array resu    forum.hibernate.org

Queries with a join fetch can return duplicate results for example : I have classes A and B A has a collection of B The following query would return a A having 3 B in his collection "from A a join fetch B where a.id = 1" The resulting list contains 3 elements, all the same instance of A. Duplicates can ...

7. Duplicate entries when I using Fetch    forum.hibernate.org

8. Eager fetching + duplicates result    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, I have faced the classical problem of duplicates result when using an eager fetching. In one case, I thought having duplicates result but instead I had unique result. A has a OneToMany association with B. I insert 2 instances of A (each of them are associated with 2 B). When running the query "from A a left join fetch ...

9. when lazy=true,"left join fetch" gets duplicates    forum.hibernate.org

result = s.createCriteria(JtsUser.class) .setFetchMode("jtsHistories", FetchMode.JOIN) .add(Restrictions.idEq(2)) ...

10. Duplicate objects returned with eager fetching    forum.hibernate.org

11. Duplicate records from inner join fetch    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:44 am Posts: 2 According to the documentation, an inner join fetch on a class containing a set should return an object of that class type containing all objects within the set. I am getting multiple objects of the class, one for each object in the set and the set does contain all of its ...

12. How to fetch subobjects without getting duplicate rows?    forum.hibernate.org

This should be a simple thing. I have surveys. Each survey can have 0 to N attachments. I want to fetch all of my surveys, and all of their attachments. My object structure is that a Survey has a List of attachments. I'm using Hibernate annotations. If I use fetchtype.EAGER, I get a duplicate row for every attachment a survey has. ...