QueryException « Exception « JPA Q&A

1. org.hibernate.queryexception:expecting ''' found '    forum.hibernate.org

Hi , I am using hibernate for my DB actions. My code is as follows: oSession = getDBSession(); Transaction tx = oSession.beginTransaction(); String hql = "update ideadetails set status='" + oCInnovativeIdea.getIdeaState().getId() + "',remarks='" + oCInnovativeIdea.getRemarks() + "', public='" + oCInnovativeIdea.getIdeaPublic() + "' where id ='" + oCInnovativeIdea.getID() + "'"; Query query = oSession.createQuery(hql); int row = query.executeUpdate(); tx.commit(); And it is ...

3. org.hibernate.QueryException: in expected    forum.hibernate.org


4. net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: unexpected token: with    forum.hibernate.org

I am getting the below error. Can you guys please suggest what could be the reason for this? Caused by: net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: unexpected token: with [select obj.id, obj.VersionId, obj.DeleteFl , obj.TskId, obj.TskWarnFl, obj.TskPriority, obj.StreamStage.StsName, obj.TskStatus, obj.ParentTask.TskId, obj.ParentTask.StreamStage.StsName, obj.TskCreatedDttm, obj.TskStartDttm, obj.TaskController.TcrName, obj.ProcessChainDfn.SpdnName from com.azure.spark.database.hibernate.mappings.reference.impl.TaskImpl obj with(NOLOCK) left join obj.StreamStage StreamStage with(NOLOCK) left join obj.ParentTask ParentTask with(NOLOCK) left join obj.ParentTask.StreamStage ParentTaskStreamStage with(NOLOCK) left join ...

5. org.hibernate.QueryException: Unable to resolve path [a.uid]    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:52 pm Posts: 10 I'm using hibernate persistence.xml- Code: ^M org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence^M java:/edas2Datasource^M ...

6. net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: unexpected token: Error    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am trying to persist one class but getting the errors. First stack trace is : [10/22/03 15:20:58:065 EDT] 303299af SystemErr R java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1 [10/22/03 15:20:58:065 EDT] 303299af SystemErr R at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.initPropertyPaths(EntityPersister.java:918) [10/22/03 15:20:58:065 EDT] 303299af SystemErr R at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.initPropertyPaths(EntityPersister.java:892) [10/22/03 15:20:58:065 EDT] 303299af SystemErr R at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.postInstantiate(EntityPersister.java:113) [10/22/03 15:20:58:065 EDT] 303299af SystemErr R at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.(SessionFactoryImpl.java:223) [10/22/03 15:20:58:065 EDT] 303299af ...

7. QueryException ?    forum.hibernate.org

I'm trying to performa a query this way: Code: crit = crit.add( Expression.disjunction().add( Expression.like("codigo", "%" + codigo + "%")).add( ...

8. Why QueryException occur?    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2004 10:04 pm Posts: 2 I can insert/get/update my Object, but throw a QueryException when query since it's so simple. Code: session.find(""from Link link WHERE link.title like ?","%test%",net.sf.hibernate.Hibernate.STRING); The 'Link' class has public setter and getter method for 'title'. My Hibernate is 2.1.2 release. Database is Oracle 8.1.7. net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: in expected: link [from Link link WHERE ...

9. net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: dereferenced    forum.hibernate.org

10. in expected: net.sf.hibernate.QueryException    forum.hibernate.org

11. net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: in expected?    forum.hibernate.org

Beginner Joined: Tue Jul 27, 2004 2:50 pm Posts: 23 Hi all, Here is the code I have: Code: Configuration config = new Configuration(); // Tell it about the classes we want mapped, taking advantage of // ...

12. Getting net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: in expected    forum.hibernate.org

I have a SQL String SQL2 = "select new Integer(L.LossID) from Loss L where L.LossCode = :lossCode"; Query query = (Query)session.createQuery(SQL2) .setString("lossCode", lossCode); Integer entityId = (Integer)query.uniqueResult(); This gives QueryException: in expected Seems like a pretty simple problem. I am trying to resolve this for a few days now. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. Hibernate version: 2.1.6 Mapping documents: ...

13. QueryException: in expected: against Tandem    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version:2.1.6 try { tx = s.beginTransaction(); Query query = s.createQuery("select request.person_pk, request.requested_by from CCRAIVRQ request"); for (Iterator it = query.iterate(); it.hasNext(); ) { Request rq = (Request) it.next(); System.out.println("Person: " + rq.getPersonId() ...

14. QueryException: unexpected token : as (many-to-many relatio)    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I'm getting exception when running trying to fetch some records where collection being fetched. Following tables are involved in the mapping. table drs_product many-to-many drs_prod_parents table drs_category many-to-many drs_prod_parents basically drs_prod_parents is an intermediate table between drs_product and drs_category having composite id (product_id,category_id) external_hotel has product_id as PK and FK to drs_product (id). any help would be appreciated. Thanks & ...

15. net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: in expected:    forum.hibernate.org

Hi there, I,m trying to list a table content with: public java.util.List getList(String hql) throws Exception{ Session session = factory.openSession(); List pessoas = session.find(hql); for(int indice=0; indice

16. QueryException: "dereferenced" while retrieving a    forum.hibernate.org

public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet rs, String[] columnNames, Object command) throws HibernateException, SQLException { boolean future = rs.getBoolean(columnNames[0]); if (rs.wasNull()) { ...

17. net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: in expected: b    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:01 pm Posts: 2 I have written a simple java class to fetch data using HQL. This is a standalone application and my database is not local. I have made the necessary entries in the hibernate.cfg.xml. However I am not sure of the entries and get the following error when I try to run the ...

18. net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: in expected    forum.hibernate.org

19. org.hibernate.QueryException    forum.hibernate.org

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp I keep getting a QueryException on the following query when I use the classic query parser. It works fine with the ANTLR query parser (which I can't use because I get other errors). Query: from Company as company fetch all properties where company.id = ? Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Mapping documents: ...

20. org.hibernate.QueryException    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message jefftk99 Post subject: org.hibernate.QueryException Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:45 pm Newbie Joined: Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:36 am Posts: 15 Hi, I am having trouble with an HQL query. First let me say I am not sure if the query is functionally correct, but I do not get to that point. I am getting a "could ...

21. net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: in expected:    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am getting a net.sf.hibernate.QueryException in Hibernate. The details are as posted below. Please help: Hibernate version: 2.1 Mapping documents: hbm.xml ====== SEQ_MT_MERGE_HDR_ID

24. org.hibernate.QueryException: in expected:    forum.hibernate.org

Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: org.hibernate.QueryException: in expected: d [select count(d) from SisDad d order by d.dadName] at org.hibernate.hql.classic.FromParser.token(FromParser.java:106) at org.hibernate.hql.classic.ClauseParser.token(ClauseParser.java:86) at org.hibernate.hql.classic.PreprocessingParser.token(PreprocessingParser.java:108) at org.hibernate.hql.classic.ParserHelper.parse(ParserHelper.java:28) at org.hibernate.hql.classic.QueryTranslatorImpl.compile(QueryTranslatorImpl.java:216) at org.hibernate.hql.classic.QueryTranslatorImpl.compile(QueryTranslatorImpl.java:185) at org.hibernate.engine.query.HQLQueryPlan.(HQLQueryPlan.java:77) at org.hibernate.engine.query.HQLQueryPlan.(HQLQueryPlan.java:56) at org.hibernate.engine.query.QueryPlanCache.getHQLQueryPlan(QueryPlanCache.java:72) at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractSessionImpl.getHQLQueryPlan(AbstractSessionImpl.java:133) at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractSessionImpl.createQuery(AbstractSessionImpl.java:112) at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.createQuery(SessionImpl.java:1623) at com.enetrix.sis.persist.dao.SisDadDAO.countRecords(SisDadDAO.java:87) at com.enetrix.sis.action.SisBaseAction.formatSearch(SisBaseAction.java:86) at com.enetrix.sis.dad.DadAction.executeAction(DadAction.java:32) at com.enetrix.sis.action.SisBaseAction.execute(SisBaseAction.java:49) at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(RequestProcessor.java:484) at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(RequestProcessor.java:274) at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(ActionServlet.java:1482) at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(ActionServlet.java:507) at ...

26. Exception--------org.hibernate.QueryException: in expected:    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am using IN clause in HQL query and thereby getting this exception : org.hibernate.QueryException: in expected: dr [ from DR_EXPR_VAR_MAPPING dr where dr.compId.doc_set_id = ? and dr.compId.variable in(:actualVariables) ] at org.hibernate.hql.classic.FromParser.token(FromParser.java:106) at org.hibernate.hql.classic.ClauseParser.token(ClauseParser.java:86) at org.hibernate.hql.classic.PreprocessingParser.token(PreprocessingParser.java:108) at org.hibernate.hql.classic.ParserHelper.parse(ParserHelper.java:28) at org.hibernate.hql.classic.QueryTranslatorImpl.compile(QueryTranslatorImpl.java:192) at org.hibernate.hql.classic.QueryTranslatorImpl.compile(QueryTranslatorImpl.java:168) at org.hibernate.engine.query.HQLQueryPlan.(HQLQueryPlan.java:77) at org.hibernate.engine.query.HQLQueryPlan.(HQLQueryPlan.java:56) at org.hibernate.engine.query.QueryPlanCache.getHQLQueryPlan(QueryPlanCache.java:71) at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractSessionImpl.getHQLQueryPlan(AbstractSessionImpl.java:133) at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractSessionImpl.createQuery(AbstractSessionImpl.java:112) at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.createQuery(SessionImpl.java:1586) at src.TestExpVarMap.main(TestExpVarMap.java:39) Please check the code ...

27. org.hibernate.QueryException    forums.oracle.com