PersistenceContext « Exception « JPA Q&A

1. JPA/Hibernate : @PersistenceContext unitName has multiple matches error

I am working on a project and so far it went quite well until I have checked out the latest changes from another team, to work on a most up to ...

2. ConcurrentModification Exception in PersistenceContext

I believe that I have found a problem with the toString() method on the org.hibernate.engine.PersistenceContext class. This problem did not happen with version 2.1.8, but is happening with 3.0.4 A ConcurrentModification Exception is thrown when the instance variable "entitiesByKey" is iterated over if it contains a proxied object that has not been initialised. I think the iteration causes the object to ...

3. NullPointerException when using @PersistenceContext -(JPA)

@Stateless public class CustomerFacade implements CustomerFacadeLocal { @PersistenceContext private EntityManager em; public void create(Customer customer) { em.persist(customer); } public void edit(Customer customer) { em.merge(customer); ...