ObjectDeletedException « Exception « JPA Q&A

1. Exception: org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all Am trying to delete an entity but are getting the following error: org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException: deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations) This is how my entity structures looks: ...

2. Methods to avoid ObjectDeletedException    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, I have a large taxonomy/tree persisted. Note also that each node in the tree also has references to various other objects/collections of objects in the schema that will cascade delete. On occasion I need to move nodes from one part of the tree another. Nodes may be added to the tree as well. I'm receiving ObjectDeletedExceptions on some occasions ...

3. net.sf.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException    forum.hibernate.org

4. ObjectDeletedException    forum.hibernate.org

5. throws ObjectDeletedException    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate: select autoinfo0_.AUTO_ID as AUTO_ID, autoinfo0_.LICENSE_PLATE as LICENSE_2_, autoinfo0_.OWNER_NO as OWNER_NO from auto_info autoinfo0_ where (LICENSE_PLATE='A00002' ) Hibernate: select people0_.OWNER_ID as OWNER_ID0_, people0_.NAME as NAME0_, people0_.ADDRESS as ADDRESS0_ from people people0_ where people0_.OWNER_ID=? Hibernate: select autoinfose0_.OWNER_NO as OWNER_NO__, autoinfose0_.AUTO_ID as AUTO_ID__, autoinfose0_.AUTO_ID as AUTO_ID0_, autoinfose0_.LICENSE_PLATE as LICENSE_2_0_, autoinfose0_.OWNER_NO as OWNER_NO0_ from auto_info autoinfose0_ where autoinfose0_.OWNER_NO=?

6. net.sf.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException:    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 2.1.6 Mapping documents:

7. org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException:    forum.hibernate.org

Version 3 Hi I have 2 classes sharing parent child relation. Cascade option in parent is set to "save update" While deleting parent I am getting all children ...deleting them one by one and then deleting the parent. While doin this it gives me exception org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException: deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations): [com.tpgmail.spp.model.MachineAssignment#1]:deleted object would ...

8. DeleteEventListener and ObjectDeletedException    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate 3.1rc2 My domain model has a User, a Photo and Rating entity. A User can have Photo(s) and can rate any Photo that he does not own. The model is: User(1..*)Photo User(1..*)Rating(*..1)Photo I get a ObjectDeletedException:when I try to delete a photo: => org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException: deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations): [hub.domain.Photo#25] To solve the ...

9. org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException    forum.hibernate.org

10. org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException    forum.hibernate.org

11. org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException    forum.hibernate.org

12. org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException    forum.hibernate.org

13. Getting org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message mystic Post subject: Getting org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 11:52 am Regular Joined: Tue May 12, 2009 6:08 am Posts: 92 Whenever I try and delete a question object, I'm getting this exception: Code: org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException: deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations): [jobprep.domain.Question#1] Can anyone tell me what's wrong in the ...

14. Getting org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message mystic Post subject: Getting org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 4:17 pm Regular Joined: Tue May 12, 2009 6:08 am Posts: 92 Whenever I try and delete a question object, I'm getting this exception: Code: org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException: deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations): [jobprep.domain.Question#1] Can anyone tell me what's wrong in the ...