LazyInitializationException « Exception « JPA Q&A

1. Problem with LazyInitializationException

I'm making an application using Hibernate 3.6.0, and I got a LazyInitializationException. I didn't manage to resolve it, so I'm here, asking for your help. Here is the StackTrace:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" ...

2. LazyInitializationException - Hibernate

All: I am a newbie to Hibernate and am getting the following exception when trying to run a sample pgm from the Hibernate tutorial.Can anyone pl let me know on how to resolve this exception. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [java] org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initiali ze a collection of role: - no session or session was closed [java] at org.hibernate.collection.AbstractPersistentCollection.throwLa zyInitializationException( [java] at ...

3. org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException:

Dear all I am getting below error when i perform insert operation between two tables. scenarion: Table1:Category Table2:categorycategoryrelation(one to many relationship with category table) in category table i have a columns id,name and in categorycategoryrelation table i have columns parentcategoryId,childCategoryId and these two id are coming from category table(id) i am using spring MVC with portlets this is the error i ...

4. what is the solution for org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException?

Yes it's true that having persistent objects in view introduce some coupling but it is a fairly common practice because of the benefits it brings (clean and consice code). If you are that bothered about the coupling you can introduce a layer of DTO that would store data from multiple persistent objects and that you would use in your views. You ...

5. org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException

I am getting a Caused by: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: gov.michigan.mdch.ibs.domain.Users.userRoleses, no session or session was closed. I am using JQUERY for my Ajax to call the controller. The Controler will pass back a JSON object to be render in a div tag on the JSP I know the user bean I am trying to return ...

6. Switch from Hibernate to JPA -> LazyInitializationException

Hi. I've been using Hibernate on my web app for a while, and I decided to switch to a pure JPA approach, so I'm using EntityManagerFactory instead of SessionFactory, and persistence.xml instead of hibernate.cfg.xml. The problem is, when I made the required changes, I started getting "LazyInitializationException - no session or session was closed" errors, on -and this is what puzzles ...

8. LazyInitializationException on evict()

Newbie Joined: Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:18 pm Posts: 10 I have a parent entity with two lazy lists of child entities. To simplify searches for distinct entities, the parent entity has a 'hash' field which is a calculated value based on data in the parent and all of the children - when the 'getHash' for that field is called, the ...

9. Interesting LazyInitializationException Issue

Hi All, Hibernate 3.2.4 JBoss 4.2.3 Firstly let me say I have solved this issue and I'm really looking for clarification as to the reason for the problem. So I received a pretty standard stacktrace; Code: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role:, no session or session was closed at org.hibernate.collection.AbstractPersistentCollection.throwLazyInitializationException( at ...

10. Totally strange org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException

Hi Forum, I'm getting an org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException but I don't know why. I've a method within an Stateless Bean (EJB3.0) which is annotated with transaction attribute NOT_SUPPORTED. When I query the database I'll get the correct instance, but when I call a method "entity.getSomeCollection" I'll will get the org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException. It's kind of strange because I used this mechanism in the same way ...

11. opensessionviewfilter LazyInitializationException

INFO: Hibernate: select category0_.CATEGORYID as CATEGORYID16_, category0_.CATEGORY as CATEGORY16_, category0_.CATEGORYLEVEL as CATEGORY3_16_, category0_1_.PARENTID as PARENTID17_ from CATEGORY category0_ left outer join SUBCATEGORY category0_1_ on category0_.CATEGORYID=category0_1_.CHILDID where category0_.CATEGORYLEVEL=1 INFO: Diff time in ADDRECIPECONTROLLER: 1388 INFO: Writing CATEGORIES: [beans.Category@1bf00a9, beans.Category@4e23c3, beans.Category@df416] SEVERE: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: beans.Category.subCategoryList, no session or session was closed org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a ...

12. LazyInitializationException JavassistLazyInitializer

Hi I know what could not initialize proxy - no Session means but what I am getting makes no sense to me. I have a Class called ClassUnit Code: public class ClassUnit .. @ManyToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name="year_group_id", nullable=false) private YearGroup yearGroup; I run the following query Code: public ClassUnit getClassUnitWithYearById(Long id) ...

13. Hibernate JPA: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException

So i'm getting the classic org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: , no session or session was closed exception I'm getting in this class when trying to get a user's roles (in the for loop in getAuthorities function): Code: public class PDBuildUserDetailsService implements UserDetailsService { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PDBuildUserDetailsService.class); ...

14. LazyInitializationException

Dear all, I encountered LazyInitializationException today in my SSH project today as follows. Code: >>>>>>>LOG4J<<<<<<< 1 2010-10-29 17:37:42,454 [http-8080-2] ERROR org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException - #org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException.( - failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: model.Customer.people, no session or session was closed org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: model.Customer.people, no session or session was closed ...

15. org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException confusion

I'm getting this exception anytime I try to load a table that has an associated transient table. The strange thing is I only see this if I load a single entry, if I load all I don't get the error. getHibernateTemplate().get(entityClass, id) FAILS getHibernateTemplate().find(String.format("from %s", entityClass.getName() WORKS (it loads all entries but they are all correct and complete.. The class I'm ...

16. ERROR LazyInitializationException - could not initialize pro

So I'm having a Spring and Hibernate configuration problem. I keep coming back to this error. Basically as I understand things, I want spring to open a hibernate session and hold this session open for the entire http request and the transaction managed by annotations. This is standard pattern no? I'm using struts action classes that make calls out to service ...

17. net.sf.hibernate.LazyInitializationException:.....

...Exception initializing proxy: [test.Artist#32] Note: I am using Hibernate 2.1.1 Hi, I have 2 maps, Artist (parent) and ArtistImages (child). There is a one-to-one from parent to child and from child to parent. The child map has a foreign key generator as I need a child record to share the same id as the parent when a record is created. Now ...

18. LazyInitializationException if object is evicted

I'm using jdk1.3.1_09 with Hibernate 2.1.2. I'm adding a child object to a collection that has lazy="true" and I get: 20:36:01,812 ERROR LazyInitializationException:? - Failed to lazily initialize a collection - no session or session was closed net.sf.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: Failed to lazily initialize a collection - no session or session was closed void net.sf.hibernate.collection.PersistentCollection.initialize(boolean) void net.sf.hibernate.collection.PersistentCollection.write() boolean net.sf.hibernate.collection.List.add(java.lang.Object) void ...

19. one-to-many problem and LazyInitializationException

Newbie Joined: Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:34 pm Posts: 4 Hi, I am new to hibernate and i think i'm doing some stuff completely wrong. I'd appreciate if could tell what i am doing wrong. I'm using hibernate 2.1, mysql 4. I have two tables in my database: Domain(domainID,domainPath) Policy(policyID,policyName,subjectDomain ,secondDomain) Every policy can have one subjectDomain and one targetDomain only ...

20. many-to-many LazyInitializationException

I'm getting a LazyInitializationException for a many-to-many relationship I've had to bolt on as an after thought. I've other many to many relationships in my model that work fine. But for some mystious reason this one just wont play. I have a bidirectional many to many relationship I need to beable to associate categories and seasons. So in Category I have ...

21. factory.openSession()=>LazyInitializationException

I use hibernate 2.1.3 and JBoss 3.2.1 I use the following code to get a SessionFactory: Code: public SessionFactory getDatabase(){ try{Context context = new InitialContext(); SessionFactory ds = (SessionFactory) context.lookup( "java:/hibernate/HibernateFactory"); System.out.println(ds); return ds; } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } in an other method i use the ...

22. LazyInitializationException and Many-to-One

I have two classes A and B with a foreign key from A to B. I load A and have UseOuterJoin=false and MaxFetchDepth=1 with Hibernate 2.1.3 When I do A.getB() I get a LazyInitializationException (this happens after output to console = "cache provider: net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.Provider" - while Hibernate is loading up I think) However if I use Hibernate 2.0 with UserOuterJoin=false I ...

23. LazyInitializationException and Interface

Hi I've read some threads about LazyInitializationException. However, something I'm still curious about is: Why throwing an exception instead of returning null. Background for this question: I've got a recursive object (tree-like structure) containing a parent property. Code: ...

24. Avoiding LazyInitializationException

So I am working with the Weblog example from the docs. Let's say I want a blog without its blog items. If you set lazy=true in Blog.hbm.xml, that avoids the query for looking up the BlogItems. So my code looks like this: Session session = sesFac.openSession(); session.load(blog,blog.getId()); session.close(); return blog; So then elsewhere in my application when I try to use ...

25. Disabling LazyInitializationException

Hibernate version: 2.1.6 Is there a way that we can disable somehow Hibernate of throwing LazyInitializationException. I want to use Lazy="true" for some of my relationships. The problem is that I have generated code between a client and a WebService end point and this generated code try to access every single property of an object to stream it into XML and ...

26. XMLEncoder throwing LazyInitializationException

Newbie Joined: Wed Nov 03, 2004 1:20 pm Posts: 2 I am getting an exception when trying to "serialize" an object graph to xml using the jdk 1.4 XMLEncoder class. It seems when a collection is encountered within the graph, then something goes awry. This only happens after the object has been made persistent. That is, if I encode the object ...

27. How to solve LazyInitializationException ?

28. Hibernate LazyInitializationException

Hibernate version: 2.1.7 Hi all! I'm tourble, i have a little question. Suppose that i have a normal lazy initialization like this

29. org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException

I'm new in Hibernate i've got source like this when i compile the error occure Session sesja = new Configuration().configure("/hibernate.cfg.xml").buildSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction tx = sesja.beginTransaction(); Kategoria koc = (Kategoria) sesja.get(Kategoria.class, new Long(1)); tx.commit(); sesja.close(); Kategoria kat = new Kategoria(); kat.setKategoriaNazwa("Koza"); // here the error start koc.getSetOfKategoria().add(kat); kat.setKategoria(koc); the error what i made wrong ? 11527 [main] ERROR org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException - failed to lazily ...

30. LazyInitializationException

31. Bi-directional many-to-many : LazyInitializationException

Author Message LR Post subject: Bi-directional many-to-many : LazyInitializationException Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 4:11 am Beginner Joined: Wed Mar 30, 2005 5:41 am Posts: 40 Hibernate version: 3.0.2 Hi, I have a bidirectionnal many to many relationship that causes a LazyInitializationException (see below). A job could have one or many contacts for the client and a contact could ...

32. LazyInitializationException

Hi !!! I wonder if someone have patched PersistentCollections so when they have a closed session they get a new one or reconect the one they have. I was trying some solutions like OpenSessionInViewFilter, but they are too manually and a don't want to loose time in my development worring about that. Thanks.

33. LazyInitializationException

Author Message timdeboer Post subject: LazyInitializationException Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 10:47 pm Newbie Joined: Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:19 pm Posts: 2 Hi Having some problems with a LazyInitializationException on collections when mapping using an outer join. In the configuration file below, if I set outer-join="true" I get the error outlined below. If I set outer-join="false" however the ...

34. LazyInitializationException

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 I've recently upgraded to 3.0.5 from 2.1.8 and I'm running into LazyInitializationException on my web page that uses Struts... It was working fine in 2.1.8, but I guess 3.0.5 now defaults the lazy initialization to be true which is causing a problem everytime it tries to render my jsp file being forwarded from the struts action. So what ...

35. What is the best place to catch LazyInitializationException?

I want to be able to catch and handle LazyInitializationExceptions, but I don't see a good way to do that in Hibernate. Here are the things I've looked at: * One way to do this would be inside my data model getXXX() methods, but I don't want to embed Hibernate-specific code into my data model. * Another place to put this ...

36. Reattached object throwing LazyInitializationException

Beginner Joined: Fri Jun 04, 2004 12:50 pm Posts: 32 Hi all, Here is the problem. I have an entity that has a one-to-many relationship with another entity. Those entities are kept in a Set. I am building a web application using Struts and am using the doFilter() method for opening and closing methods as described in the Hibernate in Action ...

37. LazyInitializationException

Newbie Joined: Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:22 pm Posts: 3 Hi, I'm using HIbernate 3 with Spring... my Spring's XML is it: Code: ...

38. The classic LazyInitializationException Problem :(

Author Message vaibhavkhattri Post subject: The classic LazyInitializationException Problem :( Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 6:45 am Newbie Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:24 am Posts: 3 Location: India Hi all, Sorry for this yet-another-post on the classic "LazyInitializationProblem". I extensively searched through the forum, both Spring's and Hibernate, and googled the internet, but sorry to say, I could ...

39. LazyInitializationException

You can access lazy collection only when the object is persistent, i.e. associated with the session. If you are using Hibernate Session directly, please ensure that you access collection before the session is closed. Then you can successfully access it after closing the session. If you have a detached object , you need to reassociate it with a session using update() ...

40. A LazyInitializationException, helppp

Newbie Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:34 am Posts: 18 thx sven to quicly answer me, has you asked me I post the exception occurs (but i'm not sure it will help you to help me ;)): Code: [29/08/05 10:40:42:359 CEST] 5db32739 SystemOut O Hibernate: select distinct tstore2_.StoreID as col_0_0_ from v_Store tstore0_, v_Article_Store articlesto1_, v_Store tstore2_ ...

41. LazyInitializationException

42. LazyInitializationException

Newbie Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2005 10:11 pm Posts: 6 Location: Canada Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp I'm running my application in Weblogic. So as you can see I'm trying to load BOM with all his association using fetching mode. We don't want to use get(), load() b'cause of the many generated select and it is ...

43. org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException ????

Author Message ericmacau Post subject: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException ???? Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:53 am Regular Joined: Tue Nov 04, 2003 12:37 pm Posts: 56 Hello, Why it will cause org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException ? After I add the "photo" to the ArrayList and used it in the JSP, it raised the following exception! How can avoid this ? Code: ArrayList results = ...

44. ERROR org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException - could not

ERROR org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException - could not initialize proxy - the owning Session was closed. Mapping:

45. LazyInitializationException?

46. Avoiding net.sf.hibernate.LazyInitializationException:

Hi, I'm getting these because during the creation of my POJO domain object graph, setter methods get called which need to access a collection which is currently being lazily initialized and hasn't finished yet. I'm preventing this by adding Hibernate.isInitialized(collection) into the domain object's setX method which is trying to access the collection. This seems extremely invasive though. Is there anyway ...

47. How LazyInitializationException with OpenSessionInView

1. I can't find "since Hibernate 3.0.1 OpenSessionInView is built-in without having to use Spring..." . What do I need to do special to use this built-in feature? 2. In our Struts->EJB->Hibernate application, we have mutltiple Hibernate session open/close calls made before the requested page is returned to the user. If I understand this correctly using 'OpenSessionInView' pattern the hibernate session ...

48. LazyInitializationException problem

private Set getSomethingImpl(){ return something; } private void setSomethingImpl(Set something){ this.something=something; } public Set getSomething(){ try{ return getSomethingImpl(); } catch (LazyInitializationException e){ return null; } ...

49. org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException

using second level cache doesnt mean it wont need a session . when u query a cached data , the session is involved in retrieving the object even if it is cached . ie, the caching is not independent , but related to session only . but the data will be loaded from cache if it is availabe in the secondary ...

50. LazyInitializationException

You are most probably trying to access the content of uninitialised persisted objects while the session has already been close by a call to session.close(); Solution 1: close the session *after* you are finished using you object Solution 2: ensure objects you are going to use are initialised Solution 3: disable lazy initialisation in .hbm Solution 1 is preferred, Solution 3 ...

51. LazyInitializationException

Hi All, I am getting the LazyInitializationException inspite of setting the lazy="false" and outer-join="true" attributes. I have the following object model, a User has a one-to-many on ProjectRoles, which is a composite object of Project & Role. ----------------User.hbm.xml---------------

52. LazyInitializationException *not* showing up when it should

Author Message ninjapowered Post subject: LazyInitializationException *not* showing up when it should Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 4:54 am Beginner Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2006 3:50 am Posts: 34 Summary of my question: According to the docs I've read, lazy-loading cannot occur outside the scope of a transaction unless auto-commit is on. I've verified that auto-commit is off in ...

53. Traversing object graph and LazyInitializationException

Hibernate version:3.1 In my web application I have a Manufacturer which can have many Products (a simple one-to-many relationship) and the following sequence of requests/responses: 1. Request 1 opens Session 1 and fetches Manufacturers 2. Response 1 displays Manufacturers in list (does NOT fetch related Products) 3. User selects Products disclosure button to see products for that manufacturer 4. Request 2 ...

54. LazyInitializationException

In order for lazy loading to work, the object cannot be detached from the session when you try to access the lazy-loaded property. This means that if you load someObject and then session.evict(someObject) or session.close(), accessing the lazy property will fail unless you reattach someObject to a new session using newSession.lock(someObject, LockMode.NONE). There's no way around this. If the object is ...

55. Newbie Question regarding LazyInitializationException

Ok before I break out all the exceptions and code I just want to make sure I understand how Hibernate is supposed to work. I have an object Company that has many Portfolios, in the Company.hbm.xml it is mapped now when I retrieve a Company object in my DAO public Company getCompany(Integer id){ ...

56. LazyInitializationException

When i execute this criteria, it throw LazyInitializationException. but i have already set the fetchMode to JOIN. so how to solve this program? I am using Spring to manage the Hibernate session. Code: private List getUsers(final Date start,final Date end){ return (List)getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() { ...

57. How do I fix org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException

I have a simple query that retrieves an entity from the database. Within that object I call a method to get a collection of different entitys. Like so... Code: List l = entity.getCollection(); From searching google and reading posts I understand that I have a session issue and could fix the problem by using and EAGER strategy. However, I cannot get ...

58. strange LazyInitializationException

The architecture of my project is:hibernate+spring+webwork,with Hibernate Annotationthe mapping relationship of my model is setted to onetomany,and property"fetch" is setted to "FetchType.EAGER"while in hibernate-cfg.xml,default-lazy has also been setted to falseBut the "classic" LazyInitializationException is also thrown,it says "failed to lazily initialize session or session was closed".Since I'm using FetchType.EAGER,and default-lazy has been turned off,why does this exception still thrown?

59. LazyInitializationException even with OpenSessionInViewFiltr

Hi, I am using OpenSessionInViewFilter to enable lazy traversal of a collection, but it is still acting as it was before I used the filter. The message is: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: com.geai.b2b.domain.Environment.applications - no session or session was closed My filter is configured like this: osivFilter singleSession true osivFilter ...

60. LazyInitializationException with OpenSessionInView andStruts

Im trying to get a lazy collection and a lazy exception is throwed. I use the OpenSessionInView pattern, implemented by a filter. This is the filter: Code: public class HibernateFilter implements Filter{ public void init(FilterConfig arg0) throws ServletException { sf=HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); } public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse ...

61. hibernate.LazyInitializationException

You provided little information, some guesses below. Can you post more of the stack trace? What version of JBoss are you using and how is hibernate configured? Look in the jboss server log and validate that the proper version of hibernate is used, maybe your jboss installation provided you with a second jar. Check to see if there are other errors ...

62. LazyInitializationException crept in after upgrading

I have a fairly extensive application now on the project I am working on and I have just completed the upgrade to Hibernate 3.2 from 3.1.2. To be exact, I should say 'almost' completed, because I am dealing with this one last hurdle standing in the way of checking in all the upgrade changes (I upgraded Spring Webflow too). I am ...

63. Problem with LazyInitializationException

Hi everybody, Well i have a problem with the famous LazyInitializationException: My webap uses struts + hibernate. When a request happens, a transaction begins, calls the DAOS and finally, i have a filter that commits and closes the hibernatesession. Then the JSP can't get de collection that i've got from hibernate: 1.- the action: af = mapping.findForward(Constantes.FWD_USUARIO_AUTENTICADO); List listaDepartamentos = gm.obtenerDepartamentosUsuario(user); ...

64. HTTPSession LazyInitializationException or Illegal attempt..

Hi, Following the one-session-per-request pattern I have a ServletFilter which closes the session after a request. The session factory uses threadlocal. I have trouble retreiving a persisted object from HTTPSession. The first exception I encoutered was the LazyInitializationException. Okay, storing the object in one session (i.e. first request) and retreiving its collection in another (i.e. second request) doesn't work. I need ...

65. LazyInitializationException

Author Message jas_esp Post subject: LazyInitializationException Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:02 pm Newbie Joined: Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:19 am Posts: 14 Hi I am workin on a web application, but when i try to get an object i get this error: Code: Hibernate: select as id0_, as name0_, category0_.description as descript3_0_, category0_.icon as icon0_, category0_.tags ...

66. LazyInitializationException

Beginner Joined: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:08 am Posts: 35 Hi there Im with a problem to retrieve a result from a list that is defined with a OneToMany relation. The code that raise the exception is the follow: I have opened the session with the entityManager and a transaction. What am i forgeting to do? The problem is on the ...

67. LazyInitializationException on unidirectional many-to-one

Which annotation should I use for this to work? I am trying: Code: @ManyToOne(fetch=FetchType.EAGER) @JoinColumn(name = "IdNivel", nullable = false) @LazyToOne(value=LazyToOneOption.NO_PROXY) public NivelBolsaDTO getNivel() { return this.nivel; } But it does not work. Once I close my session, ...

68. Narrowing proxy and LazyInitializationException

Author Message kcflyer63 Post subject: Narrowing proxy and LazyInitializationException Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:34 pm Newbie Joined: Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:06 pm Posts: 15 I have a class hierarchy that represents a ContactMethod with two subclasses, EmailContactMethod and SmsContactMethod. The SmsContactMethod has a reference to a WirelessCarrier. They are mapped to the DB using the single table ...

69. LazyInitializationException in setEntity()

Hi, we got a problem with the Query.setEntity() method. If the provided entity is a lazy loaded object (just to provide primary ID) and the logging level is DEBUG the exception (see below) is thrown. It's because of debugging informations in Loader.bindNamedParameters() on the line 1742 (link below) causing calling toString() method on the cglib-enhanced entity. The behaviour has changed between ...

70. many-to-one/one-to-many/LazyInitializationException

Hi, First of all hello everyone since i'm new to this forum. I've been searching the topics for an answer to my problem, and haven't found but if i'm wrong don't slap too hard :) Also, i'm a bit newbie to Hibernate :( I'm experiencing the following shit for 2 days and can't find a solution : <======= DATABASE ======> This ...

71. LazyInitializationException

72. org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException

73. LazyInitializationException - strange problem

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.2 Mapping documents: 10+ Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): using Filter from Open Session In View pattern. Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: Code: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: model.Unit.groups, no session or session was closed at org.hibernate.collection.AbstractPersistentCollection.throwLazyInitializationException( ...

74. org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException

Hello, I get org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException when i try to use saveOrUpdateCopy method using Hibernate3. But surprisingly i do not see this error when i use saveOrUpdate method. Here is the exception trace: ERROR org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException - illegal access to loading collection org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: illegal access to loading collection at org.hibernate.collection.AbstractPersistentCollection.initialize( at at org.hibernate.collection.PersistentList.iterator( at com.iciciprudential.blaze.model.UnderWritingApp.setContracts( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at ...

75. LazyInitializationException problem

I m run my java class through java command then lazyinitialization exception problem occours:- ( ERROR org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException - failed to lazily initialize a collection o f role:, no session or session was closed org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: r.usernumbers, no session or session was closed at org.hibernate.collection.AbstractPersistentCollection.throwLazyInitializationException(AbstractPersistentCollection.jav a:358) at org.hibernate.collection.AbstractPersistentCollection.throwLazyInitializationExceptionIfNotConnected(AbstractPersistent at org.hibernate.collection.AbstractPersistentCollection.readSize( at org.hibernate.collection.PersistentSet.size( ...

76. LazyInitializationException problem

I m run my java class through java command then lazyinitialization exception problem occours:- ( ERROR org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException - failed to lazily initialize a collection o f role:, no session or session was closed org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: r.usernumbers, no session or session was closed at org.hibernate.collection.AbstractPersistentCollection.throwLazyInitializationException(AbstractPersistentCollection.jav a:358) at org.hibernate.collection.AbstractPersistentCollection.throwLazyInitializationExceptionIfNotConnected(AbstractPersistent at org.hibernate.collection.AbstractPersistentCollection.readSize( at org.hibernate.collection.PersistentSet.size( ...

77. LazyInitializationException

I m run my java class through java command:- C:\ybb\trunk\YBB\YBBmaint\SMSCampaign>java -cp ..\lib\activation.jar;..\lib\antlr.jar;..\lib\asm.jar;..\lib\backport-util-concurr;..\lib\backport-util-concurrent.jar;..\lib\cglib-2.1.jar;..\lib\commons-collections-3.1.jar;..\lib\commons-beanutils-c ore.jar;..\lib\commons-beanutils.jar;..\lib\commons-codec-1.3.jar;..\lib\commons-collections-3.;1.jar;..\lib\commons-dbcp-1.2.1.ja r;..\lib\commons-digester-1.7.jar;..\lib\commons-discovery-0.2.jar;..\lib\commons-fileupload-1.0.jar;..\lib\commons-httpclient-3.0 .1.jar;..\lib\commons-io-1.2.jar;..\lib\commons-lang-2.1.jar;..\lib\commons-logging.jar;..\lib\commons-net-1.4.1.jar;..\lib\common s-pool-1.2.jar;..\lib\commons-validator.jar;..\lib\dom4j-1.6.jar;..\lib\ehcache-1.1.jar;..\lib\geronimo-spec-j2ee-connector-1.5-rc 4.jar;..\lib\geronimo-spec-jta-1.0.1B-rc3.jar;..\lib\hibernate3.jar;..\lib\hotsax.jar;..\lib\jakarta-oro.jar;..\lib\javamail_1.4.2 .jar;..\lib\jax-qname.jar;..\lib\jaxb-api.jar;..\lib\jaxb-impl.jar;..\lib\jaxb-libs.jar;..\lib\jaxb-xjc.jar;..\lib\jcommon-1.0.0.j ar;..\lib\jfreechart-1.0.1.jar;..\lib\jstl.jar;..\lib\jug-2.0.0.jar;..\lib\log4j-1.2.13.jar;..\lib\lsimplecaptcha-20050925.jar;..\ lib\mule-1.3-rc4.jar;..\lib\mule-launcher.jar;..\lib\mysql-connector-java-3.1.10-bin.jar;..\lib\namespace.jar;..\lib\nekohtml-0.9. 5.jar;..\lib\PDFBox-0.7.2-log4j.jar;..\lib\planlocator.jar;..\lib\relaxngDatatype.jar;..\lib\servlet.jar;..\lib\spring.jar;..\lib\ standard.jar;..\lib\struts.jar;..\lib\xalan.jar;..\lib\xerces-2.6.2.jar;..\lib\xml-apis.jar;..\lib\xsdlib.jar;..\lib\xstream-1.1.3 .jar;..\lib\YBBserver.jar;.\tbsexports\SMSRunner.jar; com...classname then lazyinitialization exception problem occours:- ( ERROR org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException - failed to lazily initialize a collection o f role:, no session or session was closed org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: r.usernumbers, ...

78. LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy

Author Message cat4hire Post subject: LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:08 am Newbie Joined: Tue Nov 27, 2007 6:11 am Posts: 12 Hi, I'm trying to write an application based on hibernate 3, I'm using the cglib2.1.3 and when I run my application I got the following exception: Code: Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: ...

79. org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to laz....

false ...

80. LazyInitializationException on client side

Hello, I'm evaluating Hibernate for JPA, and I've encounted the following symptom. I was hoping someone might shed some light on this: I created the following remote business method: Code: getParentByChildId(Long childId) { Child c = em.find(Child.class, childId); Parent p = c.getParent(); System.out.println(p.getClass().toString()); // output: some proxy CGLIB class ...

81. LazyInitializationException and JDBCConnectionException

Hello everyone, I'am using Hibernate V2, without Spring. On my class SptUserImpl , I have "lazy=true" on a collection. Here is my mapping : Code:

82. LazyInitializationException usin OpenSessionInView?!?! Odd..

Newbie Joined: Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:41 am Posts: 8 What I'm doing here is: I log-in and call another Struts action to show the user some documents stored in the database....The first call actually works, but the others always thows this error. The strange thing is that that reading the logs it don't close the session neither the transaction, so ...

83. Getting org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException

Author Message umashankar.sharma Post subject: Getting org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 6:25 am Newbie Joined: Fri May 02, 2008 1:25 am Posts: 7 Hi I am trying to access the object from sessionusing criteria . But I am getting "org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: illegal access to loading collection" exception. Can you please help me to resolve this. Thanks in advance. Hibernate ...

84. periodically : LazyInitializationException

Generally, that happens when Hibernate is trying to retrieve extra information about a bean (which has been loaded "lazily"), but then discovers that the session that originated that bean is closed. This might occur because you are either failing to keep the session alive, or because you are accidentally generating many sessions and using the wrong one to display the bean. ...

85. org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException

Hi, I'm using Spring and Hibernate together via the HibernateDaoSupport class an an AnnotatedSessionFactoryBean. I'm using Spring 2.08 and Hibernate 3.2+. I have a class that contains a collection of strings defined as so: Code: @CollectionOfElements(targetElement = String.class) private List members = new ArrayList(); When I try to append to this collection at runtime, I get a org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException which states "failed ...

87. Can I use get to avoid LazyInitializationException?

Hello, I am creating some functionality such as that I want to retreive an object from the database, then close the session, then use the object. The problem when doing this is if I use "load" to the get object I can not use it after the session is closed. BUT, if I use "get" to retreive the object from the ...

88. LazyInitializationException, not typical OSIV issues

Newbie Joined: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:46 pm Posts: 11 Hi. I have a fairly simply bit of code that fetches a list of objects, and then for each one, accesses a collection on that object. The first query is fine, but accessing the collection fails with failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: foo, no session or session was ...

89. XMLEncoder and Hibernate? LazyInitializationException

Regular Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2005 10:39 am Posts: 115 Hi, even I had set everything to eager and/or tried to wrap around a session/transaction. I still get a LazyInitializationException (stack trace see below) if I tried to store objects loaded from the db to an xml-file. Does PersitentBag, PersitentList and so on don't work with XML-Encoder? Or do I have ...

90. LazyInitializationException

Hi, was under the impression this exceptions only happens when you have a Set/one-many relationship and when you try to load/get that List/Set ... But in my case am only trying to get a property of a class loaded by findById() ... Code: public T findById(ID id, boolean lock) { T entity; if (lock) ...

91. Interesting org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException:

Newbie Joined: Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:23 am Posts: 1 I have a very strange LazyIntializationException. We are using hibernate and JPA and MySQL. Here is my mapping xml. Code: ...

92. LazyInitializationException

Hello I am getting a LazyInitializationException and would appreciate some guidance as to how I can work around this. I have the following structure: Group class - collection of Users - Attributes There is a many to many releationship between User and Group and I am using lazy loading to avoid having to load users until its necessary. I am also ...

93. LazyInitializationException on *second* access

After accessing a @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) property inside a session, shouldn't it be possible to access the same property again after the session has been closed? Hibernate (3.3.1.GA) appears to think not: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy - no Session at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.initialize( at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.getImplementation( at org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.javassist.JavassistLazyInitializer.invoke( at test.Foo_$$_javassist_8.toString(Foo_$$ ... Is this a bug, feature, or perhaps I'm doing something wrong?