Invalid Path « Exception « JPA Q&A

1. Invalid Path

2. Invalid path problems

3. Invalid Path

I am trying to follow a simple tutorial that queries a MySQL database using Hibernate3.0. Thisi s my first Hibernate program and I'm trying to learn Hibernate. I am not really sure what the error is telling me.... I am developing under Eclipse3.1 using MyEclipse workbench 4.1. All the mapping files and configuration files are generated. Hibernate version: 3.0 Mapping documents: ...

4. Hibernate Exception:Invalid path

Newbie Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:42 am Posts: 5 Location: Slovenia Still it doesn't work. Now I get: Code: 12:58:50,466 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate Exception:could not resolve property: delojemalci of: si.rais.eplace.hibernate.Pogodbepodatki [from si.rais.eplace.hibernate.Pogodbepodatki where pogodbe.delojemalci.delojemalciid = 25391] ; It seems that hibernate takes the first entity in the where condition (pogodbe) as the alias for the table in the from ...

5. QuerySyntaxError -Invalid Path- Though, Everything is right

Newbie Joined: Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:40 pm Posts: 16 Hey i get the following Error during execution of my HQL Statement: Quote: 10:34:05,015 INFO [root] New Query: from Countries where Countries.iso2kuerzel=:iso2 - RSType: UNIQUE_RESULT 10:34:05,031 ERROR [PARSER] *** ERROR: Invalid path: 'Countries.iso2kuerzel' 10:34:05,031 ERROR [PARSER] *** ERROR: :0:0: unexpected end of subtree 10:34:05,031 WARN [RequestProcessor] Unhandled Exception thrown: class org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxError ...