entity « EntityManager « JPA Q&A

1. How to persist every new entity?    stackoverflow.com

I expect every instantiated entity to correspond to a tuple (& co) in the database. In the examples I see around, one always instantiates the entity (via a constructor) and then ...

2. Best practice Adding Entity Associations (@JoinColumn etc.) in an Entity Class generated by NetBeans    stackoverflow.com

I have a Managed Bean which calls a Facade class to access an Entity Model class and in-turn the DB. The Entity model class has been generated using the NetBeans option New->Entity ...

3. reattach entity in request scope entitymanager    stackoverflow.com

I have an web application where the user makes a selection and right below using ajax, the details of the selection needs to show up. For example, User selects a Person ...

4. How to persist a lot of entities (JPA)    stackoverflow.com

I need to process a CSV file and for each record (line) persist an entity. Right now, I do it this way:

while ((line = reader.readNext()) != null) {

5. Map an Entity with its EntityManager    stackoverflow.com

I have an application handling multiple EntityManager and I wanna map each entity with its entityManager. How I can map these entities? One point to consider: I have one EntityManagerFactory and with ...

6. Question on Entity Managers of the same persistent unit    forum.hibernate.org

@Entity @Table(name="EVENTS") public class Event { @Id @GeneratedValue @Column(name="EVENT_ID") private Long id; @Column(name="EVENT_TEXT") private String text; @ManyToOne(cascade=CascadeType.ALL) @JoinColumn(name="NEXT_EVENT_ID") private Event nextEvent; }

8. accessing an EntityManager from within an Entity    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am working in a container managed enviroment accessing interacting with entities via stateless session beans. I am injecting the PersistenceContext in the standard JEE way within the stateless session bean. I have made my entityManager available via JNDI. My question is whether is legal to have methods on my entity which gain a reference to an entityManager via a ...