1. Referencing a JPA project from an Eclipse Plugin results in "PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager" stackoverflow.comI am trying to create an Eclipse application that uses JPA for persistence. |
2. no persistence provider for entitymanager error on table creating from the entity stackoverflow.comi'm new with JPA2.0 and I faced the problem creating the tables from the entities. Details: I've created the tables in MySQL and create the project in Eclipse Helios. In the beginning i've ... |
3. I keep getting "No Persistence provider for EntityManager" when trying to run Vogella.de JPA tutorial stackoverflow.comI am trying to get the tutorial at http://www.vogella.de/articles/JavaPersistenceAPI/article.html#simple to work. It has not been so simple. I know this is probably stupid simple for most people but I ... |
4. JPA: How create a JPA project with injection in entity manager? stackoverflow.comI'm starting with JPA, so I found recently about injection in EntityManager. I'm using Java EE Web Developers (Indigo), GlassFish, I didn't found any good (updated) tutorial about it, please could anyone ... |
5. Hibernate: How configure EntityManager in Hibernate? stackoverflow.comI create a hibernate project with 'hibernate tools'provide by JBoss to Eclipse. Generated the Entities (POJO's) and then the DAO's. This way for example:
6. Java persistence entity manager factory returning null stackoverflow.comI am using MySql database with JPA. my persistence.xml looks like
7. JEE 6 / Glassfish v3 / Eclipse - JPA Entity Manager Issues java.netThere is nothing wrong with your persistence.xml or with your EJB. I think you are not invoking the EJB correctly from your JSF managed bean. Looking at your first posting, I have a feeling you are directly calling the EJB class instead of obtaining an EJB reference via @EJB. So, do something like this in your managed bean: |