level « Entity « JPA Q&A

1. Is there way to tell if an entity is already in the NHibernate second level cache    stackoverflow.com

Does any body know how if there is a way to tell if an entity is already in the NHibernate second level cache? Ideally what I'd like to be able to do ...

2. Is it possible to limit the size of Hibernate second-level-cache for a specific entity?    stackoverflow.com

I have a scenario where Hibernate second-level-cache is enabled and I'd like to cache an entity for which 1000 instances are created every day and retained for 8 years but the ...

3. Hibernate Second Level Cache Entities in Servlet Context    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version:3.0.5 Hi, I need your advice on this Hibernate Gurus, in our J2EE system ( to be deployed on WAS 6.0 with cluster support), there are several master data tables, which gets updated very infrequently may be once a week or even in a month. a) I would like to get those master data tables through hibernate and make use ...

4. How to get a virtual view entity of hibernate level?    forum.hibernate.org

hello everybody: I am a new hibernator,I want a virtual view entity of hibernate level. as we know we can use " create view ViewName as select blablabla" to create a view entity of database level,but it is a little complex because I have to mapping it to a POJO,then use the POJO. today ,I want a view entity of hibernate ...

5. How to disable caching on entity level.    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, i am using EhCahce (org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider) as a second level cache and i configured caching using custom ehcache.xml file. As my application can operate in 2 modes, one entity should be cached in "write" mode and should NOT be cached id "read-only" mode. I want that MyEntity.hbm.xml is same in both cases but the ehcahe.xml configuration is different. In the "write" ...

6. Second Level Cahche disble For a particular Entity    forum.hibernate.org

Hi Guys, I have to disable second level catche for one Entity, I made following change in my ehcache.xml, but i am getting warning message in jboss server log like "[Cache] Cache: com.csscorp.business.vo.TxnAlerts has a maxElementsInMemory of 0. It is strongly recommended to have a maximumSize of at least 1. Performance is halved by not using a MemoryStore." ehcache.xml -------------- ...