1. Is there way to tell if an entity is already in the NHibernate second level cache stackoverflow.comDoes any body know how if there is a way to tell if an entity is already in the NHibernate second level cache? Ideally what I'd like to be able to do ... |
2. Is it possible to limit the size of Hibernate second-level-cache for a specific entity? stackoverflow.comI have a scenario where Hibernate second-level-cache is enabled and I'd like to cache an entity for which 1000 instances are created every day and retained for 8 years but the ... |
3. Hibernate Second Level Cache Entities in Servlet Context forum.hibernate.orgHibernate version:3.0.5 Hi, I need your advice on this Hibernate Gurus, in our J2EE system ( to be deployed on WAS 6.0 with cluster support), there are several master data tables, which gets updated very infrequently may be once a week or even in a month. a) I would like to get those master data tables through hibernate and make use ... |
4. How to get a virtual view entity of hibernate level? forum.hibernate.orghello everybody: I am a new hibernator,I want a virtual view entity of hibernate level. as we know we can use " create view ViewName as select blablabla" to create a view entity of database level,but it is a little complex because I have to mapping it to a POJO,then use the POJO. today ,I want a view entity of hibernate ... |
5. How to disable caching on entity level. forum.hibernate.orgHello, i am using EhCahce (org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider) as a second level cache and i configured caching using custom ehcache.xml file. As my application can operate in 2 modes, one entity should be cached in "write" mode and should NOT be cached id "read-only" mode. I want that MyEntity.hbm.xml is same in both cases but the ehcahe.xml configuration is different. In the "write" ... |
6. Second Level Cahche disble For a particular Entity forum.hibernate.orgHi Guys, I have to disable second level catche for one Entity, I made following change in my ehcache.xml, but i am getting warning message in jboss server log like "[Cache] Cache: com.csscorp.business.vo.TxnAlerts has a maxElementsInMemory of 0. It is strongly recommended to have a maximumSize of at least 1. Performance is halved by not using a MemoryStore." ehcache.xml -------------- |