dirty « Entity « JPA Q&A

1. CharArrayType always leads to dirty entity    forum.hibernate.org

Using Hibernate 3.2.2 I have a class that has a char array mapped by the CharArrayType. I noticed bad performances when working with collections of object of that class. This was due to excessive updates performed by hibernate on those objects. After some investigations I saw that hibernate was considering instances of this class dirty as soon as they were retrieved ...

2. How to know when an entity is made dirty    forum.hibernate.org

3. No change for the entity but hibernate said entity is dirty    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate 2.1 Oracle 9i. There is one column in one of the tables is defined as Oracle Object type. And we found that for all the records in this table, if this column is not null then hibernate always states that the entity is dirty (the dirty property maps to the Oracle Object type column) even if there is no change ...

4. Updating non-dirty entities    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have an entity with birthday and age properties. The application manages the age one (the birthday is set only during persisting it the first time) that is set as @Transient (it's not on the db). I use one method marked @PreUpdate to calculate the birthday giving the transient age field. The problem is that is I only modify the ...

5. How to perform "dirty" check on Persistent entity object?    forum.hibernate.org

Dirty check works if I load entity object and within same Hibernate Session update entity object and save. I use DTOs for incoming data from webpage. This DTO gets tramsformed in Entity object. Which in turn is saved using Hibernate Session update. But dirty checking is not working in this case. How can I enable dirty checking in this type of ...