oracle « Eclipse « JPA Q&A

1. Auditing for Oracle with EclipseLink JPA

I am using EclipseLink and i have to audit in oracle so I can audit using pure JDBC with the V$session and i can audit the application name in oracle in ...

2. Problem with hibernate request (Oracle)

i have a problem with my request, i don't understand why i have this error

from keyword not found where expected
my dao
public List getAllDeclaration(String anneeEnCours) throws FiscaliteException {

3. Problem changing Database in Hibernate

i'm having a problem with hibernate and don't know exactly what's going on, i have this project at work where i connect to an Oracle 10g Database using the following settings:

Host ...

4. How to Insert Clob using JPA

We have a problem where we need to keep the copy of an input file in DB(regulatory purposes). The file can be of size upto 1GB. Is there any way (using ...

5. Auditing for Oracle with EclipseLink JPA

Hello everybody i am using EclipseLink and have to audit in oracle i can audit using pure JDBC with the V$session and getting the application name in oracle but here in EclipseLink JPA i cannot set the application name to be audited, the way in which i have been trying is by setting dinamically the session param i want using the ...

6. connexion hibernate eclipse ganymede oracle

Newbie Joined: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:43 am Posts: 1 j'ai pas arriver a detecter le probleme, l'execution le console m'affiche: Code: 07:48:06,200 INFO Environment:456 ? Hibernate 3.0rc1 07:48:06,203 INFO Environment:469 ? not found 07:48:06,205 INFO Environment:502 ? using CGLIB reflection optimizer 07:48:06,206 INFO Environment:532 ? using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling 07:48:06,207 INFO Configuration:1228 ...