jboss « Eclipse « JPA Q&A

1. No suitable MySQL driver found for JBoss application    stackoverflow.com

I am new to creating Java web applications and came across this problem when trying to interact with my database (called ccdb) through my application: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost/ccdb/ My ...

2. problem referencing JPA    stackoverflow.com

I have to use a jpa project on one of my projects, but I'm having this error once I create an entitymanager and call persistencecontect in my sessionbean:

public class Biblio implements ...

3. Eclipse - JBoss (Hibernate) tools not showing any tables    stackoverflow.com

I want to use JBoss tools in Eclipse to generate java code from DDL. I am using the following: Oracle XE Eclipse Helios (SpringSource version) JBoss Tools I've configured the hibernate.cfg.xml (as below) and created a ...

4. Using hibernate on ejb 2.X    stackoverflow.com

I've created a simple application with ejb 2X and web module. App is packaged as EAR. I want to test hibernate on ejb, but i have some problems testing on ejb-module. Test ...

5. EclipseLink to Hibernate migration    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to migrate enterprise application which was built for Glassfish3 + EclipseLink to JBoss7 + Hibernate. When I'm trying to enable my application, the persistence unit does not start, throwing ...

6. Hibernate in Eclipse using JBOSS    coderanch.com

8. Webservices using hibernate, jboss and eclipse and MySQL    coderanch.com

I have created a web service which gets deployed porperly. When I invoke the method which internally calls the hibernate libraries to fetch data from the data base i get the followig exception: AxisFault faultCode: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server.userException faultSubcode: faultString: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException faultActor: faultNode: faultDetail: {http://xml.apache.org/axis/}hostname:zen-016 in the stack trace i also find an entry saying 15:21:15,093 INFO [Environment] Hibernate 3.1 rc3 15:21:15,109 INFO ...

10. error in JBoss with hibernate, EJB3 and postgres    java-forums.org

Hello I am new in JBoss and appeared this error when I executed the application(EJB3) in JBoss (jboss-4.0.5.GA) 17:33:41,593 INFO [DriverManagerConnectionProvider] Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!) 17:33:41,609 INFO [DriverManagerConnectionProvider] Hibernate connection pool size: 20 17:33:41,609 INFO [DriverManagerConnectionProvider] autocommit mode: true 17:33:41,625 INFO [DriverManagerConnectionProvider] using driver: org.postgresql.Driver at URL: jdbc:postgresql://xxxxxx/xxxxxx 17:33:41,625 INFO [DriverManagerConnectionProvider] connection properties: {user=xxxx password=xxxx, autocommit=true, ...