hashCode « Eclipse « JPA Q&A

1. The JPA hashCode() / equals() dilemma    stackoverflow.com

There have been some discussions here about JPA entities and which hashCode() / equals() implementation should be used for JPA entity classes. Most of them if not all depend on ...

2. equals() and hashcode() for JPA entities using EclipseLink    stackoverflow.com

Using JPA, I stumbled upon the problem with equals() and hashcode(), especially for newly created entities which have not yet been persisted. I found the following answer in stackoverflow: Should I write ...

3. Should the id field of a JPA entity be considered in equals and hashCode?    stackoverflow.com

I hit a problem when writing tests for a database application using JPA2 and EclipseLink: I add some entity to a database, retrieve it later and want to compare it to an ...