1. 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed because table does not exist stackoverflow.comI'm using JPA 2 with Eclipselink 2 and a Derby in memory db for my tests. When I start my little test programm I get the following exception: [EL Warning]: ... |
2. Maven and the " is not a known entity type" error stackoverflow.comI generated a maven project with the quickstart archetype. So I obtained the following project structure:
3. How can I use derby in memory with jpa2? stackoverflow.comRegardless of the following persistence.xml configuration the database is persisted on disk.
4. Can't connect application to database stackoverflow.comI have a problem connecting my Web app to the database using Eclipses datasource explorer.
This is what I did:
5. @SequenceGenerator with DerbyEmbedded Problem stackoverflow.comI m actually trying to learn JPA, and i'm having some trouble with @SequenceGenerator. |