1. Classpath entry eclipse.fproj.jdt.libprov.osgi/jpt.jpa is marked for publish/export but is not exported on the project classpath stackoverflow.comI'm trying to get a new Enterprise Application Project set up in Eclipse using Glassfish as my app server and I'm seeing the following warning: Classpath entry eclipse.fproj.jdt.libprov.osgi/jpt.jpa is marked for publish/export ... |
2. Hibernate Tools Eclipse Classpath stackoverflow.comHow do I set the classpath in eclipse which is used by Hibernate Tools? I have tried right-clicking on my project, going to properties, then Java Build Path, then the Libraries tab, ... |
3. precedence of persistence.xml in hibernate project stackoverflow.comI have an eclipse project with serveral jars for JPA / Hibernate. One of tham contains a |
4. Eclipse Classpath (I Tried!) forum.hibernate.orgHave set up a project with hibernate.cfg.xml in the src directory and it is copied to the bin directory; it refers to mapping files. All is well when I run tests on this in the Eclipse IDE. However, when I create the plugin and try to access Hibernate, it is not finding hibernate.cfg.xml. In the "add classpath section" of the manifest ... |