jboss « EJB « JPA Q&A

1. JBoss/EJB vs Symmetric DS    stackoverflow.com

I'm working on a project which is just about to start, and since I was busy with another one my colleagues went ahead and started working on the specs to the ...

2. Project architecture/organization on Java EE application with EJB 3.0, JPA, Dynamic web projects on JBoss    stackoverflow.com

I have a webapp with different Dynamic Web Projects, each of them generally containing an EJB Project. We want to keep them interacting, as in using beans and classes from each ...

3. How to use ROWLOCK with EJB    stackoverflow.com

I have a problem where I get a deadlock on a MS SQL Server. The same code runs without problems on MySQL. My problem is that I receive a request to delete ...

4. What causes this org.hibernate.MappingException?    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to configure an ejb3 sample application, it's entities where mapped to postgres now I want the app run on Jboss4.3 and Informix using JPA. If the DDL creation <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" ...

5. Running dblink from jpa    stackoverflow.com

using Jboss5.1.x, EJB3.0, JPA. Is there a way of running a query with DBLINK using JPA technology? Tried to find some information in the net, maybe with nativeQuery? anyone has any sample ...

6. Migrating EJB3 and REST Application from JBoss AS 6.x to JBoss AS 7.0.1    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to migrate ma application using EJB3 entities, JPA, and a REST interface from JBoss 6 to JBoss 7. I have followed the instructions in the documentation regarding migration, ...

7. HIbernate and EJB3 in JBoss    coderanch.com

hello, i'm developing a very data-driven j2ee application on a jboss server. i've used hibernate before in a j2se environment but i'm not an expert in it, it just feels natural to work with hibernate. i've read a lot about ejb3. the object model of the application i'm working on features as i call them 'big important objects' like Customers, Invoices, ...

8. Connect to Hibernate on Jboss from a clientside app w/o ejb?    forum.hibernate.org

tlh1005 has bound the SessionFactory to the "java:" naming context, which is not accessible from outside the app server of course. When the factory is bound to the remotely accessible name "hibernate/SessionFactory" a lookup causes no exceptions but it still doesn't return anything but null. Same question again, is it somehow possible to retrieve a JNDI bound SessionFactory from a remote ...

9. JBoss 4.0.3RC1/Hibernate/EJB3    forum.hibernate.org

Hello All, I have been looking at documentation on Hibernate and JBoss 4.0 and looking through forums and source code. I am very new to this but I still am not sure about the relationship and EJB3.0. For example, JBoss in their TrailBlazer section has a tutorial on JBoss using EJB3.0 with Eclipse. They also have an undeveloped section of how ...

10. Jboss 4.03 with ejb3.0 and PostgreSQL 8.0.3?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am trying to get the latest Jboss 4.0.3 RC2 to work with PostgreSQL and have been running into multiple problems. One seems to be related to the way Hibernate creates sql to create a table 2005-09-26 13:32:37,111 ERROR [org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table AUTHORS (authorId integer generated by default as identity (start with 1), name varchar(255), primary key (authorId)) 2005-09-26 ...