inject « EJB « JPA Q&A

1. Can I inject properties into a JPA Entity Listener

I could prototype this and see what happens, but I am being lazy. I want to be able to inject an EJB3 into my JPA Entity Listener so that it can ...

2. What is the difference between @Inject and @EJB

I'm currently learning the new Java EE 6 component models and am confused with the latest dependency injection mechanism. So here are my questions: 1) What is the difference between @Inject and ...

3. Creating new entities while enabling injection

I have a method on a stateless session bean which creates a new instance of an entity and persists it. You might normally use new MyEntity() to create the object but ...

4. Injecting Hibernate Session in EJB on JBOSS 5.1

DEPLOYMENTS MISSING DEPENDENCIES: Deployment "jboss.j2ee:ear=wcc.ear,jar=wcc.jar,name=TestEJB,service=EJB3" is missing the following dependencies: Dependency "" (should be in state "Described", but is actually in state "** UNRESOLVED Demands 'persistence.unit:unitName=wcc.ear/#wccDatabase' **") Deployment "jboss.j2ee:ear=wcc.ear,jar=wcc.jar,name=TestEJB,service=EJB3_endpoint" is missing the following dependenci es: Dependency "jboss.j2ee:ear=wcc.ear,jar=wcc.jar,name=TestEJB,service=EJB3" (should be in state "Configured", but is a ctually in state ...