container « EJB « JPA Q&A

1. What exceptions are thrown by JPA in ejb containers?

I am developing an EJB application to run on glassfish v3. If I look at the javadoc for the EntityManager class it says that methods like find, persist etc throw exceptions ...

2. java.lang.IllegalStateException at com.sun.enterprise.container.common.impl.EntityManagerWrapper.close

I've written a login fuction in my code that will check if there are any users in the database upon loging in. If there aren't any, it should inject a standard ...

5. EJB Container Managed Support in Hibernate Applications

Hi We need to persist data that is coming from a JSP Page . The servlet is contacting to the Hibernate which is acting as Business Layer . Instead of using Hibernate Inbuilt Transaction Management which is avialable in the form of Transaction , our Architect is suggesting to use EJB Container Mangaed Transactions . I do not understand why an ...

6. Create a SubTransaction using Hibernate in EJB Container

Hi, I am working on a project converting EJB CMPs + JDBC code to Hibernate +JDBC codes. And wondering how to create a sub-transaction with Hibernate in CMT env. In EJB CMP this can be achieved by declare the transaction=requiresNew. Is there anything equivallent to this ? I have read the Hibernate in Action and the documentation, and did not have ...