nhibernate « Development « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate: Avoiding reading all the records to memory at once    stackoverflow.com

I have a large amount of rows in the database from which I need to create an XML document. I am using hibernate 3. The basic list() method in Criteria and ...

2. If I get a book on Hibernate will that be useful for nHIbernate?    stackoverflow.com

Aside from the language used (Java, C#, etc.), are articles and books for Hibernate equally good for nHibernate? Now that I am learning I want to research but I don't ...

3. Is Hibernate worse than NHibernate?    stackoverflow.com

How does Hibernate compare to NHibernate? I've heard the claim that "Hibernate is much worse than NHibernate, even to the point of not using it (and using JDBC over it)". Can anyone ...

4. Best approach for building NHibernate DTO's    stackoverflow.com

I'm new to NHibernate (and ORMS) and trying to come to grips with the myriad of different options it presents. For reference, I'm using Fluent NHibernate with seperate business objects which ...

5. Does Fluent-Hibernate exist?    stackoverflow.com

Is there something like Fluent-NHibernate for the original Java Hibernate? If not, why not? Are there any language-specific limitations?

6. How similiar are the implementations of hibernate and nhibernate?    stackoverflow.com

How similiar are the implementations of hibernate and nhibernate? i.e. if I am comfortable with nhibernate, will hibernate be a very easy transition?

7. Fluent nHibernate - unfriendly many-to-one reference name    stackoverflow.com

I define my data model using Fluent nHibernate POCO classes + mappings. I'm also using nHiberate schema to create database schema. All is working fine but there is one unpleasent fact. When I ...

8. Why use Hibernate/nHibernate?    stackoverflow.com

I have found myself doing a lot of work to get nHibernate setup and am left wondering: Why use a framework like Hibernate/NHibernate? I am sure that quite a few ...

9. How can this be done with (N)Hibernate?    stackoverflow.com

I'm creating a windows forms application with NHibernate. It's an MDI application, so there is no limit to how many forms the user can have open at the same time (probably ...

10. NHibernate MultiQuery for Java    stackoverflow.com

NHibernate (for .Net) has an interface called IMultiQuery which you can instantiate an implementation for using ISession.CreateMultiQuery(). A multi-query allows one to run multiple hql statements in a single batch. I ...

11. What is fluent hibernate?    stackoverflow.com

What is fuentHibernate? Why is it used? What is the difference between Hibernate and Fluent Hibernate?

12. NHibernate 'touches' my native ISQLQuery    stackoverflow.com

In the application I'm developing, I am using NHibernate as ORM. My app has to support SQL Server, and MS Access (I'm using the NHibernate JetDriver). Now, the thing is that I have ...

13. Hibernate configure how to create an object    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to configure Hiberate/NHibernate not to use the default constructor to create objects when reading from the database? When Hibernate reads 10 customers from a table, it creates 10 Customer ...

14. steps to build a NHibernate data layer    stackoverflow.com

What are the proper steps to design and implmement a NHibernate data layer ? Should I include a step to let NHibernate to generate the schema defintion rather than coding the schema ...

15. InvalidCastException NHibernate    stackoverflow.com

Table EmployeebySet: [**IdEmployee, IdSet**, Name, Date]
Table Employee: [IdEmployee, Name, Age...]
Table Set: [IdSet, Date, Name...]
I'm work with NHibernate, I have some tables, and making the test with NUnit. So, I have a problem ...

16. SqlCeException NHibernate    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Sql Compact Edition. I have this table: TABLE "Set": [PK:IdSet (int), IdProject (int),IdSetState(int),IdPriority(int),NumSet(int),Unit(nchar),NumDisc(int)] And using NUnit testing. this is my test method:

        public ...

17. Speed related question - (F)NHibernate    stackoverflow.com

I have a class A which contains a list of Bs: IList. This associates As with Bs (mapped as a many-to-many relationship). The association between As and Bs is determined by ...

18. GetDeletes of IPersistentCollection at Nhibernate 2.1    forum.hibernate.org

This question is for Nhibernate 2.1 Recently I migrated our project from Nhibernate 2.0 to Nhibernate 2.1. We used to use IPersistentCollection.CollectionSnapshot.Snapshot to list of deleted our objects In new version of Nhibernate, GetDeletes of IPersistentCollection is the idea method for our scenario if I understand correctly, but I don't know what's ICollectionPersister in our scenario. When I call this method, ...

19. Employee->Manager hibernate(actually NHibernate) issue    forum.hibernate.org

Ok.. So I am new to Hibernate(actually NHibernate)...Let me get that out real quick. Anyway- Using Hibernatel to do some dev with an Employee->Manager class structure.. Looks like this-> class Employee { blah Employee myManager (so Manager is of type Employee) blah } In the DB there is an Employee table, with EmployeeID as the PK There is a ManagerID that ...

20. nhibernate and nulls?    forum.hibernate.org

Question on using nullable columns and nhibernate: There's a bit of a mismatch between nullable columns in your database, and .net value types such as DateTime, and Int32. I've noticed internally null dates are represented as DateTime.MinValue. So its possible to insert rows without setting the date, and they'll become null in the database. Possible to update a date field to ...

21. hibernate or nhibernate will cause memory leak?    forum.hibernate.org

i cannot understand what reson will cause this problem? code is below: public class ConfigReader { private static WeakReference sfcache = new WeakReference(null); private static WeakReference configCache = new WeakReference(null); public static ISessionFactory SessionFactory { get { ISessionFactory _sessions = sfcache.Target as ISessionFactory; if ( _sessions == null ) { _sessions = ; sfcache.Target = _sessions; } return _sessions; } } ...

22. How to Design Crystal Reports Using nHibernate    forum.hibernate.org

You can create crystal reports using nHibernate. follow the steps 1. Create a dataset (.xsd) file and create an element with a name. 2. Design the report using the data set. ( follow PUSH method of crystal reports) 3. Now you get the data using HQL or Directly from nhibernate object and pass those data to dataset. IT will be displayed ...

23. Migrating and maintaining both Hibernate and NHibernate cfgs    forum.hibernate.org

I've been asked to do some research on Hibernate/NHibernate for an upcoming project. Out team has used Hibernate and will need to port the project to operate in a .NET environment as well. I've read the NHibernate documentation and it's not clear to me how one would go about maintaining both configurations. For instance, the NHibernate document section on Toolset Usage/Code ...

24. I need your view [about Hibernate compare to NHibernate]    forum.hibernate.org

Hello everybody I'm processing a trainning scheme for my IUP third years, and during it i have to compare Hibernate and NHibernate. I have readen all the two documentation reference tools and other documentation (not a lot!) found on the Internet. I have created a lot of little program onto the two tools in order to test them. I have done ...

25. Is NHibernate freeware?    forum.hibernate.org

26. Help, Store Procedure with Nhibernate..    forum.hibernate.org

hi, i'm a strage error when i execute my code...the excepiotn is this: {"The type initializer for 'Ciclo.Data.NHibernate.DAOSession' threw an exception."} my table: RequestProfileProposal(ID,IDprofileRequest,IDConsultant,IDManager,InsertTime,Note,Available) my store procedure: ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_provaNicola ( @IDConsultant INT = '428' ) AS SELECT IDConsultant AS consultant_id FROM RequestProfileProposal WHERE IDConsultant = @IDConsultant my mapping file:

27. NHibernate Value Objects on Other Servers    forum.hibernate.org

Hello all, I have the following entity: public class Request { public virtual int Id; public virtual string Name; public virtual string AssignedTo; } Let's say I want some more information about the AssignedTo field. In terms of the domain, the AssignedTo field is really an Employee. An employee comes from different server/database than the Request object and is immutable. I ...