Castor « Development « JPA Q&A

1. Transitioning from Castor to JPA

I am trying to make my java application more standards compliant and one of the biggest issues i am facing is transitioning our ORM framework from Castor JDO to a JPA ...

2. JDO, Hibernate, Castor

Unfortunately, I have little experience with JDO or Castor (read: none), though I've recently started using Hibernate after reading O'Reilly's Hibernate: A Developer's Notebook. I've found it fairly easy to use and quick to get going with. There is a bit of a learning curve to switching over, and you kind of have to get used to the XML syntax needed ...

3. Why to use Hibernate or Castor? What are their benefits?

Hi, Can anyone tell me What are the benefits of using Castor or Hibernate. I have never used them and just know that they provide JDO implementation for any database say Postgres or Hypersonic and we need to provide an xml file for database mapping into Castor and don't know much about Hibernate. I am not clear about Why we need ...

4. Marshalling a Java object through Castor

Dear all! I found some postings talking about more advanced topics, so obviously people must have overcome what I am stuck with. Sorry if I overlooked the obvious, but I could not find any answer to me problem. I am trying to use Castor to marshall a Java object that I loaded through Hibernate, like that: Code: Session session = HibernateUtil.currentSession(); ...

5. migration from castor