save « Delete « JPA Q&A

1. How can I configure Hibernate to immediately apply all saves, updates, and deletes?

How can I configure Hibernate to apply all saves, updates, and deletes to the database server immediately after the session executes each operation? By default, Hibernate enqueues all ...

2. One-to-many deleted object would be re-saved by cascade

I have one-to-many relationship between Person and ContactEntry classes. My hibernate version is 3.3.2.GA. Person class has Set of ContactEntry. I create objects as follows, which works fine. sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(person); for each contactEntry { sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save (contactEntry); person.addContact(contactEntry); } sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().update(person); I remove one of the contactEntry as in the following psudo code contactEntry = person.getContact().iterator().next(); person.removeContact(contactEntry); sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().delete(contactEntry); I am executing junit test with ...

3. Restrict tables for save and delete only

Hi All, I am trying to save one object in DB tables. I have set cascade="all", so when I am trying to save second object, it update some values from first object. Is there any way to set cascade="save-delete". i.e. I don't want any update. I can't set only delete because there are nested objects are there in my parent object. ...

4. How to avoid "an object was deleted and then re-saved&q

Hi all, In my project, I use CASCADE to save, update or delete my objects. For example, class Node { private Set incoming; private Set outgoing; public void addIncoming(Connection c); public void removeIncoming(Connection c) public void addOutgoing(Connection c); public void removeOutgoing(Connection c); } class Connection { private Node source; private Node target; //getters&setters } I wrote the hibernate mapping xml

5. cascade( save, update, delete) functionality

Hi, Is there anyway that I can specify cascade parameters on Set element such that it will apply only for insert and delete. I looked everywhere but all i have is none | save-update| delete | all but I want something like save | delete. I dont want my entire heirarchy go for an Update when the parent is updating but ...

6. deleted object would be re-saved by cascade

I know this has been discussed couple times, but I still have one simple question: What should I do to make Hibernaye deassociate object instead of throwing this exception (net.sf.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException: deleted object would be re-saved by cascade (remove deleted object from associations): 2273119, of class: com.exigen.ipb.policy.infrastructure.QuoteSummaryJDO)? I was thinking that setting cascade to "all" whould help but it is not helping. ...

7. deleted object would be re-saved by cascade...

Hibernate Community View topic - deleted object would be re-saved by cascade... Login Register FAQ Search View unanswered posts | View active topics Board index Hibernate & Java Persistence Hibernate Users All times are UTC - 5 hours [ DST ] deleted object would be re-saved by cascade... ...

8. Best practise: save/update/delete with cascades from Parent?

Hibernate version: 2.15 or so Hello, I have a 'best practises' question. I have a 'root' entity/table called User. Almost all other entities/tables are associated with this User entity via FKs. e.g. User <-- FK -- UserProfiles User <-- FK -- UserMessages User <-- FK -- UserDemographics User <-- FK -- UserPreferences ... I guess this would be the Parent/Child relationship ...

9. Cascade on save() and delete() but not update?

I have a couple of use cases with my domain model that require the ability to save a parent object and cascade the save to child objects and delete a parent object and cascade delete all child objects. However, I have another use case the dictates updating just the parent object and only the parent object, leaving the child objects as ...

10. problem in save() update and delete() working fine

when i am querying to the different table space in oracle. the select query is working fine but in the save query i am getting message table or view not found. In this application i am using hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect hibernate.connection.driver_class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver hibernate.connection.username oamadmin hibernate.connection.password oamadmin hibernate.connection.url jdbc:oracle:oci:@//qatestmachine:1521/ORCL hibernate.show_sql true hibernate.default_schema scott oamadmin user have grant of DBA and scott is working ...

11. deleted object would be re-saved by cascade

I get this error when trying to delete a Message or a Comment. A Message is associated to one Category, and a Comment is a associated to one Message. Does this error mean that I need to work on the Category collection to delete a Message and to the Message collection to delete a Comment ? In that case it seems ...

12. deleted object would be re-saved by cascade ...

Hello, it seems to me that the cascade options have changed from hibernate 2 to hibernate 3 when deleting an object. I have an n:m relation that is viewed as a 1:n and an n:1 relation. So I have 3 Tables, lets call them A, AB, B. In Object Terms Object A has a Set of Object AB and Object B ...

13. Collections being deleted on save.

Hi, I have an method that tries to update a hibernate mapped object. The object that I am trying to update is a Product object which has a many-to-many relationship with the supplier objects. 1. public ProductDataObject updateProduct(ASObject asProduct) { 2. Product product = (Product) new ASTranslator().fromActionScript(asProduct); 3. return (ProductDataObject) new ProductDAO().makePersistent(product).getDataObject(); 4. } On line 2. the product object is ...

14. save-update delete cascade with sets

Thanks for the reply OK I got it to a point where hibernate is actually trying to update by removing the inverse="true". I remmember I was there before but I got the following error: Caused by: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: ORA-01407: cannot update ("WQBEMP"."USER_ROLES"."USERNAME") to NULL. What hibernate is trying to do is setting the username in the row to null leaving the other ...

15. save & delete in one session throws NonUniqueObjectExcep

Hi, I am using Hibernate version: 3.13 I want to execute multiple operations in one session for my User object. Basically first I am creating a user object and then deleting that object in same session. But deletion of object fails with following exception: org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session: I have ...

16. Many to One - How to save or delete

@Entity @SequenceGenerator(name = "SQ", sequenceName = "sq_person") @Table(name = "person") public class PersonVO extends AbstractVO { ... @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO, generator = "SQ") public Integer getId() { return id; } ... @OneToMany(mappedBy = "person", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = ...

17. previously stored data gets deleted after cal'd

@FARZAD Actually i've set to create erlier,that's why it is creating new schema every time new session factory is created. Now i have set it to validate. well have four values: validate | update | create | create-drop -- validate- will validate the schema already defined in DB. update- will update the schema create- will export and create new ...

18. Need Help! deleted object would be re-saved by cascade

When i delete(objectA) i.e deleteing ObjectA, i expect all the child objects (ObjectB) to get deleted as well, but instead i get the above error. I did search a bit and tried removing objB from ObjectA but that would leave the child Objects of objB,B1,B2 as it is. Please let me know as to how i can achieve the above scenario. ...

19. Multipile delete/save don't work. Why? (PostgresSql 8.x)

Hi, I just tried to test my database and my code with some JUnits. Cause I'm using a wrapper-class to hide the hibernate stuff from other classes. I normally do the testcases twice. First just plain, second with the help of the wrapper class. But that's only important to understand, why I try do the same operations more than once. To ...