orphan « Delete « JPA Q&A

1. What is the difference between DELETE_ORPHAN and DELETE?    stackoverflow.com

Here is source code:

@OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "A_ID", nullable = true)
private A a;

@JoinColumn(name = "B_ID")
private List<B> bList;
What is the difference between DELETE_ORPHAN and DELETE ? ...

2. Why delete-orphan needs "cascade all" to run in JPA/Hibernate?    stackoverflow.com

I try to map a one-to-many relation with cascade "remove" (jpa) and "delete-orphan", because I don't want children to be saved or persist when the parent is saved or persist (security ...

3. cascade = "all-delete-orphan"    stackoverflow.com

what are the best coding practices for cascade all-delete-orphan in hibernate

4. Hibernate: correct handling of all-delete-orphan    coderanch.com

"Since cascade type delete-orphan requires that the Collection Set bObjects be loaded by Hibernate(and not detached) in order to delete the bObject orphans" What exactly do you mean by that? Do you mean that in order to remove an object from a Set that that object has to be in the Set? Like a real object and not a proxy. Although ...

5. all, delete-orphan in JPA    coderanch.com

8. Hibernate JPA and orphan deletion    coderanch.com

This is more or less a Public Service Announcement. I'd report it directly to JBoss/Hibernate but their captcha system is apparently so dependent on one's having the right color vision and monitor characteristics that only spammers can get through it. I can't, so I can't re-activate my old account. I have the questionable good fortune to be responsible for a system ...

9. Question about cascade="all-delete-orphan"    forum.hibernate.org

I made a deep copy of an object that has a list defined with the cascade="all-delete-orphan" attribute. Since i made a deep copy, the list that's inside my clone is also a new object. So i'm assuming that when i call the session.saveOrUpdate, hibernate would treat it as a new record and insert into the DB . But i'm getting a ...

10. cascade="all" and cascade="all-delete-orphan"    forum.hibernate.org

11. delete on cascade and delete orphan    forum.hibernate.org

12. Many-to-Many orphan deletion leads to unexpected behaviour    forum.hibernate.org

In my appliction I have a many-to-many association between groups and articles. I have an unexpected behaviour when I remove an article from a group while my article still belongs to other groups. The removed article and the association between the other group get deleted in the DB. As the article is not an orphan I wouldn't expect it to be ...

13. Pproblem with cascade="all-delete-orphan"    forum.hibernate.org

[java] Exception occurred during event dispatching: [java] java.lang.NullPointerException [java] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.getPersister(SessionImpl.java:2309) [java] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.isSaved(SessionImpl.java:2346) [java] at net.sf.hibernate.collection.PersistentCollection.identityRemove(PersistentCollection.java:593) [java] at net.sf.hibernate.collection.PersistentCollection.identityRemoveAll(PersistentCollection.java:587) ...

14. all-delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

I'm trying to take advantage of cascade="all-delete-orphan" to automatically delete persistent child objects from the database when they have lost their association with their parent. I have a one-to-many mapping from Role to Permission, and a many-to-one in the opposite direction. The parent Collection on Role is a Map, with lazy="false" and inverse="true" and cascade="all-delete-orphan". When a new Permission is added ...

15. all-delete-orphan clarification    forum.hibernate.org

It seems that in the case of one-to-many bidirectional assoication, Hibernate requires setting the parent to null when trying the delete a child by removing the child from the parent's set. This is required? We are using "all-delete-orphan" in several one-to-many's, some are bi-directional and some are not. Uni-directional assocations, of couse, don't require setting anything to null. Thanks, Jeff

16. cascade-"all-delete-orphan" and dereferencing coll    forum.hibernate.org

I posted this before in a response to another post, but didn't get any replies, so I'm posting it again as a new post According to Gavin, gavin wrote: You can't change a collection reference when the collection is mapped with cascade="all-delete-orphan". Just make sure your getter returns the same collection instance and this exception will not occur. That is a ...

17. Confused about all-delete-orphan option    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, all! I am a bit confused about this option. Basically, if I say inverse="false" and cascade="all-delete-orphan' the orphan deletion reverts to the regular behavior of just nulling the keys. To me it just does not make much sense. Since if the orphan is deleted it is not really necessary to update the keys, the same delete should be executed in ...

18. cascade all-delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

I can't seem to get deletes to cascade to orphaned rows in an application. Code:

19. xdoclet 1.2b4 and cascade all-delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

I'm using Hibernate 2.0.3 and XDoclet to define mapping files; I have a one-to-many bidirectional association (a strict parent-child relationship) and wanted to mark the cascade attribute as "all-delete-orphan". If I understand well, marking it this way should cause Hibernate to delete the child object by just removing it from the parent. This option appears in the Hibernate doc, and in ...

20. Trouble with delete using cascade="all-delete-orphan&qu    forum.hibernate.org

I am having trouble with cascade deletes using the all-delete-orphan option. Here is the situation. I load an object that contains a bi-directional parent child relationship in one session and feed it to my presentation layer. The user makes modifications to the data, which include deleting children, and then the a new copy of the modified data object is passed to ...

21. How can I get cascade all-delete-orphans with a many-to-one?    forum.hibernate.org

I have a persistent class A whose objects sometimes have a reference to instances of another persistent class B. I have it mapped many-to-one... but apparently I can't use all-delete-orphans in this case. I understand, then, that if I remove the reference to the B in an A, and then delete the A, my B will stick around. Is there a ...

22. cascade="all-delete-orphan" through many-to-many?    forum.hibernate.org

Suppose I have a mapping kind of like this one (from the reference manual): Code: .... ...

23. delete-on-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

i am using the built hibernate 2.1.2. I have a association parent-child. class com.Parent mapping: Code:

24. Question about "all-delete-orphan"    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I want know the semantic about "cascade = all-delete-orphan". if I have two classes A y B where A has a one-to-many relation with B and this relation have the property "cascade = all-delete-orphan" this means that I could not do [b]a.setBs(new ArrayList())[/b] where [b]a[/b] is an instance of A, that is the collection never must be instanciated. That is ...

25. Getting all-delete-orphan semantics on a many-to-one or 1:1?    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I love the all-delete-orphan semantics for collections. I am trying to duplicate this idea with a one-to-one or even a many-to-one relationship. For instance, I would like to see the following happen: foo = new Foo() bar = new Bar() foo.setBar(bar) <-- saves bar bar2 = new Bar() foo.setBar(bar2) <-- deletes bar, saves bar2 I keep contorting my API (by ...

26. Can't get all-delete-orphan to work    forum.hibernate.org

Hi ppl, I''m using latest hibernate with latest jboss, and here's the mapping: When this instance is deleted, the delete operation is not cascaded to the childs. And when I set inverse="false", the FKs at the childs (oid_pessoa) are set to null, but they are not ...

27.  and cascade="all-delete-orphan" qu    forum.hibernate.org

28. Still can't get all-delete-orphan to work, please help me    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I already posted about this, but nobody answered, I would really appreciate some help on this. I just need a mapping example (a working one, cause documentation's example didn't worked...) of both sides of relationships that uses all-delete-orphan. I'm using latest hibernate with MySQL and JBoss, I think this is only the information needed. Thanks in advance, Thiago Souza

29. Does cascade="all_delete_orphan" only work in the    forum.hibernate.org

Thanx for yor patience! Ill try to explain the problem. I have two persistent objects; a Parent and a Child. The Paretn holds a Set of Child. I execute a find() on the Parent and get the Parent and the Set of Child's. The Parent and the Child'ren are then copied to a PartentTO and ChildTO respectively by using commons-beanutils with ...

30. Persister not found with all-delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

31. many-to-one doesn't support all-delete-orphan|delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

I am specifying the unique attribute so in reality it is a one-to-one the problem with a one-to-one though is that the object that is the primary key of the object which references the dependant object is created using the generated method. I have an object with several one to one attributes. I would model them as custom types but for ...

32. cascade="all-delete-orphan" and one-to-one    forum.hibernate.org

33. cascade=all-delete-orphan doen't work    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message claudia Post subject: cascade=all-delete-orphan doen't work Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 4:30 am Newbie Joined: Wed Jun 02, 2004 6:14 am Posts: 6 Hello, I ' ve got the problem, that I can't update my objects (Projekt). When I change to cascade=all it works, but I can't delete some Rows from the list? What must I do? ...

34. problem with cascade-all-delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

Page 1 of 1 [ 4 posts ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message javacoda Post subject: problem with cascade-all-delete-orphan Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 11:18 am Regular Joined: Fri Jul 16, 2004 3:04 pm Posts: 52 Location: Wiltshire UK Hi All, I am really puzzled as to why the ...

35. cascade-delete-orphan problem reposted as req by Anthony    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message javacoda Post subject: cascade-delete-orphan problem reposted as req by Anthony Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:10 pm Regular Joined: Fri Jul 16, 2004 3:04 pm Posts: 52 Location: Wiltshire UK Hi All, reposted as Anthony suggested. I have tried to simplify the code & just created two basic classes a Parent & a Child. What I am ...

36. all-delete-orphan question(s)    forum.hibernate.org

[b]Hibernate version: 2.1.6[/b] a couple of my team members are having a problem with an HQL query i wrote (backed by an object mapped up by a co-worker). the strange part, to me, is that the query is a find, yet the error from hibernate is [b]A database error has occurred. Details: Error in ThingDAO.findAll(): net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: You may not dereference a ...

37. many-to-one cascade=all-delete-orphan emulation?    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 2.1.6 Situation, two classes A and B. A contains a B as a property. A.getB() or similar. PseudoCode: A a = hibernate.get(A.class, some identifer); B b = a.getB(); // B's are unique to A, lifecycle entirely dependent on A // now I want to replace the b on that a object a.setB(NULL); a.setB(new B()); hibernate.save(a); Now what its currently ...

38. delete of orphans checks nullability    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I encounter strange behavior of Hibernate, when using all-delete-orphan cascade. I will the describe the case. I have simple parent/child relationship. It is a birectional (inverse) relationship with not-null contraint . The problem accours while deleting the orphan. I remove it from collection using simple method (i simplified my original code, so typos will appear :/) Code: public class Parent ...

39. one-to-one & cascade="all-delete-orphan" (once    forum.hibernate.org

40. Problem with delete and all-delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

Beginner Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2003 12:15 am Posts: 47 I know this has come up many many times in the past, but after looking through many archives in this forum, I still did not find a solution to my problem. I am trying to delete an object which is the parent of a child. I have my cascade set to ...

41. Difference bet delete and delete-all-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

43. delete-orphan vs. all-delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

I'm using Hibernate 2.1.5. My parent class has a Set of children. With delete-orphan and inverse=true, when I do a clear on the Set and set the children's parent to null, the child rows are not deleted in the database. It didn't work with inverse=false either. However, when I use all-delete-orphan and inverse=true and just do a clear on the set, ...

44. delete-orphan vs all-delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 2.1.8 I'm trying to figure out cascade="delete-orphan". I have a set with cascade="delete-orphan" and when I remove something from it and call saveOrUpdate on the owner of the set, it removes the entity but doesn't delete it. If I set cascade="all-delete-orphan" it does delete it. I took a look in the code and it seems that the CascadeStyle for ...

45. all-delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

Hi everyone. I have a master-detail cadastre (like Employees and their dependents). My master class is called SuperClasse and my Detail class is called ClasseDetalhe. So what is happening is that when I am going to update my master class (SuperClasse), i receive this exception message: net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: You may not dereference a collection with cascade="all-delete-orphan" What I am doing to execute ...

46. Problems with 'cascade="all-delete-orphan"'    forum.hibernate.org

I recently changed a mapping from cascade='all' to cascade='all-delete-orphan'. Now I find that when go to save the parent object, I get the message: net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: You may not dereference a collection with cascade="all-delete-orphan" I'm not sure what dereferencing a collection means. Any pointers? If it's any help, what I'm doing immediately before that is: a) Getting a list of child records ...

47. delete orphans and re-attached instances    forum.hibernate.org

Any advice related to this topic would be appreciated. An instance of class A is associated with a Set of class B instances (A:B is 1:n). In the following sequence, class B orphans are not deleted. 1. open Hibernate session 2. fetch instance of A 3. fetch associated B instances (e.g., a.getBs()) 4. close hibernate session 5. replace original Set of ...

48. Prayer for better solution for one-to-many all-delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

/** * @hibernate.set inverse="true" cascade="all-delete-orphan" lazy="true" * @hibernate.collection-key column="parentId" * @hibernate.collection-one-to-many class="com.domainmodel.Child" */ public Set getChilds() { return childs; } ...

49. cascade="all-delete-orphan" problem    forum.hibernate.org

Thanks for the replies.. If orphan delete is not supported for one-to-one mapping, is there any other work around solution to implement the same.. I tried with "all" option, but its not deleting child table. even though its a one-to-one map child table, can i map it as "set" and achieve the same?

50. delete-orphan causing assertion failure    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message kbowen Post subject: delete-orphan causing assertion failure Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 8:51 pm Newbie Joined: Tue May 03, 2005 7:24 pm Posts: 1 I have 2 classes in a bidirectional mapping: A->B one to many, B->A many to one relationship. When I have delete-orphan enabled on the A->B association, I get "AssertionFailure: owner not associated with ...

51. Difficulties with delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

In a one-to-many relationship, i am trying to use all-delete-orphan cascade option. I have no problems with insert or update in master and child table. But when i remove some records from the collection and do a saveOrUpdate, the removed records from the collection are not getting deleted from the database. Delete sql is never getting triggered on the child table. ...

52. all-delete-orphan behaviour with arrays.    forum.hibernate.org

53. delete orphans on Set failed    forum.hibernate.org

54. one-to-one via many-to-one and delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

This is a simplification of my actual problem in order make the description clearer. I have a User object which can be created by filling out a form in a webapp. At that time, a UserToken object is created and stored as a property of the User object. The UserToken object contains a single property - id - which is generated ...

55. Cascade="all-delete-orphan" means I can't manipula    forum.hibernate.org

Beginner Joined: Thu May 05, 2005 11:12 pm Posts: 26 Moving on to the next problem with my resource and resource_cost relationship. The resource costs have a lifecycle completely dependant on resource. If the resource is deleted, all the resource costs should be deleted. If I add a row to the list it should be persisted, remove it from the list ...

56. NonUniqueObjectException and cascade all-delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

Lmichasz wrote: I have collection mapped with cascade = "all-delete-orphan". I remove some object from this collection. Then I create another one with the same primary key as the one removed and add this object to collection. When I commit this transaction NonUniqueObjectException is thrown. With this cascade option Hibernate keeps tracking changes to collection and to instances of objects loaded ...

57. howto one-to-one and cascade delete orphans?    forum.hibernate.org

Using hibernate 3.0.5. I have setup Page (master) with a one-to-one with Lock (slave). Page.getLock() is cascade "all-delete-orphan", and Lock.getPage() is constrained: Code:

58. help me with all-delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

I mapped a collection between two entities with all-delete-orphan and I expected that, when I remove an element from that collection Hibernate, on flush, would not persist that entity, or at least insert and delete it. Instead as you can see below not only the object is persisted but is also updated !!!! Of course there is something strange, I have ...

59. delete orphan trouble    forum.hibernate.org

61. Hibernate 3 with all-delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.0 beta 4 Name and version of the database you are using: MySQL 4.1.17 Hello, I am having problems with deleting orphans of my beans. I used to work only with the cascade="all" attribute and discovered that there was the option cascade="all,delete-orphan". Unfortunately, right now this doesn't change anything, I still can't delete the orphans when deleting the parent. ...

62. ObjectedDeletedException for cascade all-delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: JBoss 4.0.2 Name and version of the database you are using:Microsoft SQLServer I am trying to delete a class that has a Set of mappings to its super class: Group extends Principal. Principal has a set of Groups (Set groupMappings) Group has a set of Principals (Set principalMappings) This allows me to get every member of a group and ...

63. delete-orphan does not work    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate Version: 3.0.5 I have a bidirectional one-to-many association (Parent <-> *Child) and I want the Child be deleted when the Child has no reference to the Parent (Child table has a null value in column 'PARENT_IT'), by saving (using saveOrUpdate method) the Parent with an empty set of Child. I tried to use 'all-delete-orphan', but it does not work when ...

64. cascade="all-delete orphan    forum.hibernate.org

Hello guys, cascade= all-delete-orphan is failing MY use case - Load an object from the database in session 1; close session - Make changes to the Party object such as remove one of the emails from the email list - saveOrupdate party object in session 2. - the deleted email object is not being removed from the database. I dont get ...

65. What will effect cascade="all, delete-orphan"    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: use Jboss403sp1 , should be hibernate-3.1rc2. Just wonder what will effect a success cascade="all, delete-orphan" for a Set collection (detached). 1. Child class should implment hashcode and equals. 2. pass to Diffenrent VM. 3. Keep the ref of collection. 4. dereference from Child side 5. do not detached. Problem: like a some other's topic in this form, I only ...

66. all-delete-orphan deleting non-orphans    forum.hibernate.org

I have 3 Objects. A references C and B references C If I set the A->C cascade to "all-delete-orphan" and remove an instance of C from an instance of A and save.. Hibernate deletes the instance of C even if there is an instance of B that references it. Is this a bug?

67. cascade=all-delete-orphan with many-to-one ?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have a hibernate object that references another hibernate object, eg public class A { private B b; public B getB() { return b; } public void setB(B b) { this.b = b; } } with the relevant part of A.hbm.xml being: ... ... Now, when I dereference B from A, ...

68. All-delete-orphan Not Working. What Did I Do Wrong?    forum.hibernate.org

First tip: delete-orphan is usually paired with inverse="false". inverse="true" means that the parent (one-side) entity does not control the child's (many-side) lifecycle, but cascade="delete-orphan" means that it does. That's bound to get confusing. Second point: from the stack trace, it looks like Company.setContacts() is actually doing something? Rather than just "this.contacts = param"? If it is, then that's your problem. Property ...

69. Deleting Orphans    forum.hibernate.org

I have tried reading the documentation and also the posts on the user forum but i havent read an issue similar to mine. To put it simply all I want to know is that does something similar to "delete-orphan" construct of "one-to-many" relationships exists for a single reference (mapped by many-to-one). I cannot map the properties as one-to-one since I need ...

70. Deleting databse orphans in many-to-many and many-to-one    forum.hibernate.org

Hi everyone. In my application, many relationships are modeled as many-to-one and many-to-many. The problem I am facing right now is deleting the orphans. Assume we have m:m A:B and m:1 C:B. What I want is that when I delete A, all orphan Bs (which are referenced neither from As nor from Cs) are deleted as well. Otherwise I'll get a ...

71. cascade="delete-orphan" causes TransientObjectExce    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate Version: 3.0.5 Mapping documents: Unable to post because of client confidentiality - but will post test case soon Name and version of the database you are using: SQL Server 2000 Hi, I've recently changed the cascade on a set property of parent from "none" to "delete-orphan". This had the desired effect of allowing Hibernate to remove child elements from the ...

72. cascade="all-delete-orphan" problem    forum.hibernate.org

The problem I'm having is as follows: I basically have class mapping, class B (a subclass of class A), that maps a set of another mapped class, class C into the class B. When I delete class B using Hibernate's Session.delete() I want all of the class C's to be deleted as well. I am using cascade="all-delete-orphan" in the set mapping. ...

73. Deleting orphans on many-to-one    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.2 Hello, I have read in the documentation that it is not possible to delete orphans by cascade in many-to-one associations. Is it because there is another way or is it simply not supported. I work with detached objects. Therefore, if my parent has an association on a child like Person -> Email, and that I delete the email ...

74. Cascading Delete Orphan    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:46 am Posts: 4 Hibernate version: 3.2 Mapping documents: Code: ...

75. why is "delete-orphan" missing in JPA?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am evaluating different JPA implementations and wonder about "delete-orphan" feature. Seems that all major pre-JPA ORM frameworks (hibernate, kodo, toplink, jdo) recognized need for such a feature. Despite existing experience, the feature is missing in JPA spec, effectivelly breaking Rich Domain Model idea (any method possibly deleting an object needs an EntityManager instance). This is in sharp conflict with ...

77. Problems with orphan deleting    forum.hibernate.org

delete from sap.ordersdetails where id_detail=? and version=?

78. How Cascade delete_orphan works?    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I have a web application(Hibernate) where users can drag and drop HTML elements like (text field,label, buttons) and save it. I use saveorupdate function. I have parent-child relationship through one-to-many associations. I am using annotations. 1:m Page<--Widgets I am doing @OneToMany( cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE} ) @Cascade({org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.SAVE_UPDATE, org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.DELETE_ORPHAN}) My problem, --Assume user saves 3 widgets(textfield,label, button), it perfectly saves. Now ...

79. cascade="all-delete-orphan" is not working    forum.hibernate.org

Not exactly. When hibernate generates an SQL query that relies on database cascading, the db cascading will be used. Sometimes, hibernate does not utilize db cascading, i.e. it manually generates multiple 'delete' queries in the correct order, to delete a certain entity and its dependencies. However, this is usually not supported for bulk-operations. Try this: instead of deleting using a bulk-operation, ...

80. cascade="all-delete-orphan" not cascading    forum.hibernate.org

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp Hibernate version:3.2.6 Hello, I have 3 Entities, the have the following relations: A(1)--(n)B(1)--(n)C All realtions are parent-child, that means that when I delete A, I want all associated Bs to be deleted as well. Also, when B is deleted (as a result of deletion of A), I want the associated Cs ...

81. global delete_orphan    forum.hibernate.org

82. Delete orphan with "TRIGGER" (raise user action)    forum.hibernate.org

83. Cascade all-delete-orphan not deleting    forum.hibernate.org

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.2.6.ga Mapping documents: Code:

84. Cascade all-delete-orphan doesn't work with Web Services    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, I have a very strange Hibernate problem with Cascade="all-delete-orphan". As premise, I expose some DAO functionalities as Web Service with Apache CXF and Spring. In particular I have this service interface: Code: @WebService public class RawDataServiceImpl implements RawDataService { private RawDataDao rawDataDao; ...

85. Problem with all-delete-orphan    forum.hibernate.org

should all-delete-orphan work for both unidirectional and bidirectional (one2many association) ? is there any rule for this .. I am trying to delete a child element using all-delete-orphan.... but getting following exception.. . INFO: Checking 0 named queries Hibernate: select dept0_.id as id0_, dept0_.name as name1_0_ from dept dept0_ where dept0_.id=? Hibernate: select emp0_.deptid as deptid__, emp0_.id as id__, emp0_.id as ...

86. Delete-orphan inconsistency    forum.hibernate.org

I have a situation where I delete an Entity that contains a Set with delete-orphan cascade on the relationship. If there are one or two OtherEntity objects in the set, they are deleted properly. But if there are three or four in the set, one or two of them doesn't get deleted. Basically, a max of two OtherEntity objects seems to ...

87. Inheritage and DELETE_ORPHAN    forum.hibernate.org

Hy all I was wondering if anybody could brief me on the limitation of the DELETE_ORPHAN annotation in regards of inheritance. In short, I've got a super class A with a oneToMany relationship to a class B (which has a bidirectional relationship back to A). The A to B relationship has the following annotations: Code: ...