integrity « Delete « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate DataIntegrityViolationException of Foreign Key Violation Doesn't Let to DELETE

I have a relationship like that. There is a Car table and CarGroup table. Car group table holds cars inside it. I want that: When a car removed, if it is ...

2. referential integrity violation deleting

Newbie Joined: Thu Oct 30, 2003 5:38 pm Posts: 9 Location: CA I'm getting a referential integrity violation error when attempting to delete an entry on the many side of a many-to-one relationship. The full error text is "fk1625798e3306904b referential integrity violation - key in message_multi_strings still referenced from sign_messages" A summary of the mapping is: ModelObject is top-level abstract containing ...

4. Integrity constr. violation when deleting a referenced obj.

Hi, I have the following associations between my objects: A<>----B <>----C C------>B So A contains B and C. C references B. Mapping for class A is ... So the lifetime of B and C depends ...