id « Delete « JPA Q&A

1. Why there is no delete by id in JPA?

Kengkaj, Kengkaj, Kengkaj! Stop thinking like an SQL developer! JPA is based on Objects, like Java. We don't just throw around numeric ids and column names. We are Java people! The delete method takes an object. You just pass in an object. Which object do you want to delete? Just pass it in. Does it have a composite key, a sequence ...

2. Can I delete and re-add object with the same id

Do I have to keep deleted objects in an array and when I add new object with the same id (key) then I evict it before I do saveOrUpdate? (Just small explanation - I always delete all objects at the start, then I create and add new once some of them might be genuinely new ones (different primary key) and ...

3. Apache JCS still have object ids though I've just deleted!

Hi, I'm facing a problem where I delete an object from the db, works fine! Afterwards I try to load the object graph which previously had an object deleted from the object graph. I can see from the log that JCS has a cache miss on the object I'd currently deleted, but tries to load it from the db. Somethings is ...

4. DELETE FROM table WHERE id IN (?) in HSQL

5. Is there a way to delete by id?

Is there a way to delete an entity by providing only an id? I have a use case where I need to delete many hibernate objects in bulk. All I have is the ids. Since I just want to delete them from persistent storage, I would like to avoid needing to load the object first. My id is a composite key ...

6. ID after Session.delete()

7. why there's no Session.delete(Class type, Object id) ?

Hi. Im beginning to work with Hibernate and some things are confusing... Why there's no something like Session.delete(Class type, Object id) ? In my web app, in delet request I have been given ID of persisted object to be deleted, and I would like to do it in one DELETE command, but unfortunately I have to do one SELECT first to ...

8. Nullify Id on delete

Hibernate version: 2.1.8 Name and version of the database you are using: FirstSQL 2.75 Converted our Swing-Based Desktop Publishing app to use Hibernate. Not only did lots of JDBC code go away, our object model is much cleaner now, and we're seeing noticeabe performance gains. Kudos for a great framework and a great book. Now on to my question: I'm looking ...

9. delete by (just) id?

Hibernate version:2.1.6 I'm looking for a (good) way to delete an instance with just a Class and an Id. I wrote a delete method that does: public void delete(Class type, Serializable id) { .... // get the meta data for this class ClassMetadata metadata = factory.getClassMetadata(type); // new up an instance and set the id property Object instance = type.newInstance(); metadata.setIdentifier(instance, ...

10. Delete() function that takes an id instead of an object?

I am curious about something in Hibernate. I tried to search the forum for an answer, but among the 6 700 hits I found, I didn't find one related to this (not that I checked them all, of course). When you call Session.delete() you need to pass an object that you wish to delete, i.e., you first need to retrieve the ...

11. Hibernate can remember the deleted record id

Hi folks, currenly I am using Hibernare 3 and Jboss4.0.2. In my application, I want to save the student objects. the mapping file is like this After I saved 3 student instance, their id are 1,2,3. then I deleted id 3. But then I saved a new instance, ...

12. Delete with only the class and id not an instance

I am refactoring an existing application to use hibernate. Where deletes are concerned the backend only receives the id of the object to delete from the DB. It seems like a waste to use the id to get hibernate to create an instance so I can then ask hibernate to remove it! Why does Session not have a method to delete ...

13. Deleting data without specifying Id/key for object

This is regarding deleting rows from the table w/o specifying primary key of table.... In SQL we can have a query of following type Delete from table1 where nonprimarykeycolumn="criteria"; As far as I have seen in hibernate, session.delete() api needs an object whose key field/id is set in order to delete it. In short can we say that hibernate doesnt provide ...

14. How to deleting entities with their IDs in Hibernate3

Hi, I'm am new to Hibernate3. I have created few annoted entities that have not nullable fields. When deleting this, I'm having issues as the new HibernateTemplate doesn't allow for any queries inside the delete function and accepts only the entity object. I obviously can't create entity with the code alone as I have not nullable fields. So I end up ...