graph « Delete « JPA Q&A

1. deleting graphs of persistent object

Question 1: If a parent has a lazy collection of children, children are associated with cascade="all", and I delete the parent, what will happen? a) hibernate fetches all children, then delete them one by one b) hibernate delete all children without fetching them And, in case of b), what if children have children mapped with cascade="all"? Ex: Class A holding a ...

2. Cascade Delete on a newly instantiated objects graph

Hoping you will feel my question interesting. I would lile to use cascade all-delete-orphan on a parent/child relationship with hibernate objects that have been newly instantiated with Data Transfert Objects (DTO), coming from another tier. I build the complete graph of objects to be persisted, with their correct id, version, etc... But when I delete the parent, hibernate do not propagate ...

3. Delete an object inside a graph of objects

I am having trouble with deleting an object that has bidirectional connections to a few other objects. Before tracking down the cause of particular errors, I'd like to decide on the right method how to achieve this. Let's say I have Persons, Books, and Roles. A person may play several roles to one or different books, and a book may be ...

5. Hibernate bulk delete of object graph

I have a rich client application with Long running session ... Now when i delete a object which has a cascade delete relation issues a seprate sql query for each item in the collection .. for example Order-->*OrderItems session.delte(order) N sql deltes for N OrderItems 1 sql delete for Order OPTION 1: I can manually delte using sql statements myself ...